TWENTY-FIFTH ORDINARY SUNDAY (Year C) – 22nd September 2019

Written by Christine / Fiona

September 21, 2019


FR DENIS’ ORDINATION CELEBRATION – All parishioners are invited to this celebration on 27th Oct beginning with Mass at 10.45am followed by celebratory lunch. We will be taking up a collection for the parish gift on 5th/6th Oct at all weekend Masses. Up until that time there will be a collection box available at Masses for those who wish to donate before that date.  To assist with catering, parishioners who would like to bring a plate to share please list the dishes that you will be bringing on the clipboards at the entrances. More information to follow.

SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION – We congratulate the following children on receiving the Sacrament this weekend: Isabella M, Andrea S P, Nicole D, Fabian Y, Rachael R, Jermaine D, Samuel L, Melissa M, Wayde M, Arun E, Nicolyn G.

VOCATIONS DAY- WHERE IS GOD CALLING YOU?  Come and See, where God may be calling you to serve! You may be drawn to ministries available in your parish or a vocation of service as a catechist, missionary, priest or religious. Be inspired by this day of guest speakers, including Fr Michael Willemsen, Fr Robin Koning SJ & Sr Rachel McLoughlin ibvm to be held at St Agatha’s Primary School Hall on Saturday 21st September, beginning with Mass in the Church at 9.30am. Sausage Sizzle and Refreshments will be available by donation and the day will conclude at 4pm.   For bookings go to or contact 5996 1985.

ENVELOPE #37 – if you are the holder of envelope number 37, please contact the parish office.

PIETY STALL –operates every 2nd weekend of the month. October is on 12th & 13th. For orders and enquiries, call Rick & Anita on 0450 782 558.

FAMILY PRAYERS – First Friday of every month. October is on the 4th from 7.30pm – 8.30pm St Peter’s College Clyde North upper level where Mass is celebrated. For enquiries, call Jean-Paul Antoine 5990 7777.

SOCIAL JUSTICE SUNDAY –        is on 29th September. This year, the Australian Bishops’ Social Justice Statement is ‘Making it Real: Genuine human encounter in our digital world.’ It shares Pope Francis’ challenge to us to ‘boldly become citizens of the digital world.’ It points out that we are called not just to be inhabitants of this world, but active citizens shaping it. For further details, visit Facebook: @socialjusticeACBC

AUSTRALIAN PASTORAL MUSICIANS NETWORK – 4th National Conference will be held in Melbourne on 1-3 Oct. This event is relevant for cantors, choristers, organists, guitarists, choir directors, and those involved in youth and children’s liturgy. Please take home a flyer. For full program or to register, visit




5th October !!REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!! For more information and registration visit Please take home a flyer.

FUNDRAISING SILENT AUCTION of two beautiful hand-made sweaters sponsored by our parishioner. To auction, please write your name, contact number and the amount you wish to purchase the sweaters and drop it in our parish office box. Auction will be closed after this weekend Masses.

VOLUNTEERS FOR LAMP Youth Festival – As our parish is hosting the LAMP Youth festival on 5th Oct, we are looking for any adult who wishes to assist with kitchen duty and other general help and any youth who wishes to be involved in the drama or helping with activities on the day to please contact the parish office.



All volunteers who have not attended a session, please attend the next session as listed. This is a requirement by Bishop Pat that all parish volunteers attend one session. We thank those who have already attended the training held earlier this year.

Location             Day                            Date                                     Time                                                     

Leongatha                     Sunday            27/10/2019                              2pm -4:3Opm

Traralgon                       Saturday             9/11/2019                             10am – 12:30pm

Cranbourne           Saturday                 22/02/2020                             10am – 12:30pm


Location             Day                            Date                                     Time                                                    

Sale                           Sunday        1/03/2020                            2pm -4:3Opm

Narre Warren        Thursday                   12/03/2020                          7pm – 9:30pm

Berwick             Saturday    14/03/2020                              2pm -4:3Opm

Pakenham                     Saturday         21/03/2020                              10am – 12:30pm

VIT registered teachers and early childhood service workers continue to be exempt from holding a WWC Check but from 1 September 2019, must notify Working with Children Check Victoria (WWCCV) of any child-related work they do outside of their school or early childhood service based position (whether paid or voluntary).

If a teacher’s VIT registration is suspended or cancelled, WWCCV may notify the organisations listed that the teacher exemption no longer applies.

To notify WWCCV of their other child-related work, teachers must complete the ‘Teacher notification’ form. This form must be completed before the end of the 2019 school year. If any teacher needs assistance with this new process, please  contact Corralee on Wednesday at the Parish Office.


RCIA – Period of Enquiry.- We continue praying for: Margaret Grech, Junghee Youm and Dhaneshi Mannapperuma. May God bless them as they travel together in faith and trust. This period of enquiry will culminate at the Rite of Acceptance in November where we as a parish will give witness of their commitment to continue this journey into the period of the Catechumenate. Please pray for them.


Year of Listening and Discernment

The Plenary Council National Team is continuing working on this phase to present it to all parishes in Australia. We pray to the Spirit of

God to help with this preparation upholding the people of this country in his heart.

Diocesan Pilgrimage held this week at St Ita’s Catholic Church in



We invite all parishioners to join in a parish discussion and share your thoughts on the Themes for the Diocesan Assembly. Our parish

offers four ways in which we can join in the conversation:

  1. Coming together on Monday 2


of September at 7.30 pm – St Peter’s College. This main session is for Delegates attending the

Diocesan Assembly but also open to parishioners.

  1. You might also wish to discuss the themes in small groups at home, with family and friends or in your prayer groups and submit your

thoughts online.

  1. You may also send in your own personal submission online following the steps on the Diocese website.
  2. Alternatively, you may wish to write your responses filling in your comments about a particular Assembly theme on the feedback form

called: “Share your thoughts with us! What would a parish living the joy of the gospel look like?” Copies of

this form are placed at the entrance tables. Please fill it in, bring your response to Mass and post it into the Parish Office Box placed

at the entrance table also.


All personal & group responses can be submitted to our Diocese website before the 9



The discussion kit is available from the Diocesan website

Diocese website :


Reflecting on a theme: what would a parish living the joy of the Gospel be


Theme 1: Faith Formation & Spirituality, which involves • Faith Formation for adults • Faith formation for children and young people •

Sacramental Preparation • RCIA • Understanding Church Teaching • Prayer life

Theme 2:  Leadership  & Governance  (providing leadership   &  structures that  promote evangelisation)  • National/diocesan/parish

structures • Finance matters • Parish Pastoral Councils • Ongoing support, mentoring and professional development of leaders and staff

  • Pastoral Planning • Communication • Roles – priests, religious, laity.

Theme 3: Families and Vocation (raising disciples in our families – so that they can go out into the world) • Supporting family life in all

its diversity • Supporting married couples • Supporting young people/young adults • Vocations.

Theme 4: Liturgy and Prayer (nourishing our communities) • Music • Homilies • Liturgical formation for parish communities and liturgy

teams • Liturgies, other than Sunday Eucharist • A variety of prayer experiences

Theme 5: The Welcoming Community (a community on mission, not maintenance) • Building a welcoming community • Pastoral care •

Reaching out to those on the margins (divorced and remarried, gay community, those with disabilities) • Reaching out to those who have

left the church (resting Catholics) • Strategies for growing parishes • Caring for those affected by the sexual abuse crisis

All personal & group responses can be submitted to our Diocese before the 9



Diocese website :

We thank you for your time and your thoughts. May God bless you!

PLENARY COUNCIL – Year of Listening and Discernment Phase 2019-2020


To St Thomas the Apostle Parish Council Members, Plenary Council Team and Animators:




The Listening and Discernment stage (2019-2020) commences with training and formation for all Animators, clergy, parish, school and agency Plenary teams and for any interested person. All Animators are expected to attend training. The session is for 2 hours and includes information about the National Themes for discernment, the discernment process that we’ll be using, and further information on the Plenary Council itself. A modelling of Listening and Discernment session will take place with participants.




Diocese website :


 “Sharing Our Story, Celebrating Our Faith, Shaping Our Future”

On Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th, approximately 400 Delegates from all the parishes in our Diocese have got together in Warragul for a series of discussions on the 6 Diocesan themes about: faith formation for all, leadership, governance, families, vocations, liturgy, prayer and community welcoming. We thank every parishioner who was able to send their opinions to the Diocese and we pray that the results of all opinions and discussions at the Assembly will give fruit to re-direct our communities to live every day in the joy of the Gospel.

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