Combine Parish Rosary for Parish renewal

Written by Christine / Fiona

January 27, 2022

“We are called by Saint Pope John Paul II to seek the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the New Evangelization, for the missionary renewal of our parish by the frequent praying of the Holy Rosary.

For decades now our popes have been calling parishes to be dedicated to the mission of Jesus Christ and live out the call of the New Evangelization. this means nothing less than becoming a community of missionary disciples:
– A REAL WELCOMING COMMUNITY, and not just a gathering of strangers
– Disciples who have ENCOUNTERED JESUS and are COMMITTED to becoming like him
– Disciples who are on mission so that OUR PARISH CEASES TO BE ABOUT US, but about those we are called to reach through evangelization and works of mercy to those on the periphery”. James Mallon

Answering this call, together with the Parish in Bairnsdale, we ask all our parishioners to join in the praying of the Holy Rosary every Monday evening beginning 31st January 2022 from 7pm – 7.30pm reflecting on the different mysteries with special intentions each week. Join us via zoom link
Meeting ID: 857 8196 9378
Passcode: 139048

Featured image by Mystical Rose Collection – Altar Rosary.jpg Wikimedia commons

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