Written by Christine / Fiona

March 31, 2019

Plenary Council  “Year of Listening and Discernment”

“142. Each community is called to create a “God-enlightened space in which to experience the hidden presence of the risen Lord”.[105] Sharing the word and celebrating the Eucharist together fosters fraternity and makes us a

holy and missionary community.”

(From the Gaudete et Exsultate – Rejoice and Exult” – Chapter Four, In Community

Apostolic Exhortation on the call to Holiness in today’s world from Pope Francis


Dates to remember in prayer and gathering:

– This week Diocesan Pilgrimage at St Joseph’s Parish – Wonthaggi

– Tuesday evening, 7th May – St Thomas the Apostle Parish

– Diocesan Pilgrimage in our parish: week of Sunday May 5th

– Diocesan Assembly: 13-14 September


PARISH LENTEN CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION will be held on Tuesday 9th April at 7.30pm at St Peter’s College, Clyde North.

We continue praying for Dilmini Gamaralalage and Krishendi De Silva as they continue their journey towards to receive the Holy Sacraments of Initiation at Easter Vigil.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND


Our parish invites all youths to be part of the Good Friday Service. Practices will be in our worship space after the 9.00am Sunday Mass on the 7th and 14th of April and on Good Friday. If you would like be part of this service, please put your name on the sign-up sheet found at the entrances.

PRACTICE FOR GOOD FRIDAY – An invitation to ALL youths of the parish (even if you have not signed-up) who would like to be part of the Good Friday Service. Come to our practice for Stations of the Cross and Choir on 5th April 7.30pm – 9.00pm at St Peter’s College.


Mass of the Lords Supper (Holy Thursday) 18th April                                      7:30pm

Stations of the Cross  (Good Friday) 19th April                                                 10:00am

Celebration of the Passion of the Lord  (Good Friday) 19th April                      3:00pm

East Vigil Mass Saturday 20th April                                                                   7:00pm

Easter Sunday Mass 21st April                                                                            9:00am & 10.45am


CONGRATULATIONS TO ANDREW & MARY SCHULBERG on their 44th Wedding Anniversary. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

SCHOOL OF DISCIPLESHIP – Thursday 4th April 7.00pm at Blue Hills Chapel

ALTAR SERVERS: A training session for new and existing altar servers will be held at St Peter’s College at 4.00pm on Wednesday 10th April. Any new altar servers should have made their First Reconciliation, and we welcome new servers who have been altar servers in other parishes. All those wishing to become new altar servers should register their interest at the parish office from this week onwards or fill-in the form found at the entrances of our worship space.

STEWARDSHIP ENVELOPE # 515 – Please contact the parish office. Thank you.

ANZ DAY INVITATION – St Peter’s College Clyde North is holding an ANZAC Day Liturgy on Tuesday 23rd April 10am and invites all parishioners and Blue Hills Residence to attend. The VCAL students are organising the Liturgy and it would be followed by Morning Tea in the Staff room. RSVP by 3rd April at the parish office.

FUNDRAISING FOR OUR NEW CHURCH BUILDING: With the project to build our first church, and also our parish offices, progressing and hopefully coming to completion over the coming 2 years, parishioners who are willing to work for a parish fundraising campaign are asked to please contact the parish office. Some have done this previously, and we invite you to renew your offer, and we are conscious that we have always new parishioners coming to our parish, and we would welcome your support too.

COMBINED CATHOLIC PARISHES RAFFLE Any unsold tickets to return to the parish office immediately so that we can sell them at the weekend Masses.  Completed booklet due back on 7th April 2019. Draw date 4th May. To return: place ticket and money in an envelope (do not remove staples) and put in any of the offering plate. Thank you. (VCGR Permit no. – 10699/18)

LENTEN RESOURCE ON : Into the Desert – A Lenten Study on Prayer. Dr Tim Grey masterfully show you how to make prayer an effective effort of love and intimacy. ***** rating. To get your free access, contact Parish Office: 5998 0947 or email:

PIETY STALL – Holy Beginnings piety stall opens every 2nd weekend of the month. Month of April is on the 13th & 14th. For orders and enquiries, call Rick & Anita on 0450 782 558.

PROJECT COMPASSION: Michaela is a 21-year-old trainee at Purple House, a dialysis centre in the Central Desert for people suffering from kidney disease. With the support of Caritas partners, Michaela is helping to build a social enterprise, a connection to culture and a new outlook for the chronically ill. Please donate to Project Compassion 2019 and help provide essential care, employment and training for First Australians. Box due back 18th April.
A KSC FUNDRAISING DINNER: Unfortunately, due to lack of response, the KSC Fundraising Dinner on 28th March 2019 has been postponed until later in the year.  The group are looking for suggestions for this event later in the year (e.g. lunch or dinner on a weekend?) and would welcome your input.  All suggestions are welcome.  Please send thoughts to Jim Johnson by email:

ALPHA TEAM TRAINING WORKSHOPS Traralgon March 27th & 28thAlpha is a tool used by thousands of Catholic Parishes around the world, to introduce participants to the basics of the Christian faith and to evangelise and deepen faith. There will be Alpha Training offered for Parish Teams or those interested in further information, at  St Michael’s Parish, Traralgon, on the evenings of March 27th and 28th. For more information, please call 5174 2060 or email:

DIVINE RENOVATION/ALPHA WORKSHOP Keys for Creating a Missionary Culture in Parishes with Mr. Ron Huntley SATURDAY 6TH APRIL 9.30am-3pm St Peter’s Parish Hall 22 Mary Street, Clayton Cost $45. For enquiry, call Lorraine McCarthy 0402 217 123 or

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