St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Clyde North (the Parish) holds the care, safety and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults as an absolutely necessary responsibility.
We are a Child Safe Parish.
All children, young persons and vulnerable adults have the right to feel & be safe, and be heard & included in decisions affecting them. If you are concerned that someone has been abused, is being abused, or is at significant risk of being abused in the future, you should immediately raise your concerns with one of our Parish Safeguarding Officers, Corralee Floyd or Peter Gomez. Contact via the Parish Office: 5998 0947 or email Remember in an emergency situation, you can call the Police on 000 for help or advice.
Our commitment is drawn from and inherent in the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice and the sanctity of each human person at the heart of the gospel[1].
The Church’s social doctrine constantly points out the need to respect the dignity of children. ‘In the family, which is a community of persons, special attention must be devoted to the children by developing a profound esteem for their personal dignity, and a great respect and generous concern for their rights’ (Apostolic Exhortation, Familiaris Consortio, 26). Indeed, it was Jesus who, when his disciples were arguing among themselves about who was the greatest, directed his attention to a little child and said to his disciples,
‘Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me’ (Mark 9.37).
Every person who does any type of volunteering within the church or the parish at all needs to hold a valid Working With Children Check (WWCC) card [2] with our Parish as a linked Organisation as well as complete a Volunteer Information form[3].
By signing the Volunteer Information form you are acknowledging that you have read, understood and agree to adhere to the Parish Code of Conduct[4] for the safety of children and vulnerable adults. Please return your signed form to Corralee Floyd (our Parish Safety Officer) as soon as possible at our Parish Office. Please note that personal information contained in this form is not passed on from the Department of Justice when you apply for your Working With Children Check card (WWCC) for privacy reasons.
If you need any help with any of these forms, any other child safety issue, or if you notice something that needs attention with regards to child safety, please contact our Parish Safety Officer on
[1] Commitment Statement
[2] Working With Children Check (WWCC) card
[3] Volunteer Information (To be added soon)
[4] Link to Code of Conduct (To be added soon)