Please join St Thomas the Apostle Parish in praying the Holy Rosary for each day in the month of October, for the intentions for our whole world in this time of global pandemic; for the Sale Diocese and especially for our Bishop Elect Greg Bennet as he prepares for his Episcopal Ordination; and for all the people of our parish and our families.
All sessions will take place in Clyde Nth. Please note that these events will be subject to cancellation, should the current restrictions for the Coronavirus pandemic require us to do so. Limited number of people per session.
Please go to
Under ‘Search Event or Name or Venue’ type: St Thomas the Apostle Parish Rosary Crusade
Under ‘Suburb/ Postcode’ type: 3978
Then click on Find Events
This will take you to all the sessions and times to choose and book from. We will only provide individual links if a session is still free and we are inviting more bookings.