THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT (Year A) – 15th Dec 2019

Written by Christine / Fiona

December 17, 2019




We cordially invite every parishioner to take part of the sessions of Listening and Discerning

As we have heard from Fr Denis and members of the Plenary Council team, in October 2020, the Catholic Church in Australia will gather for the first Plenary Council to be held since the second Vatican Council. We have been praying for the Holy Spirit to guide us in dialogue and help us to understand the current reality of the Catholic Church in Australia. Bishops and many representatives of our parishes, schools and organisations, will gather in conversation and decision making reviewing all the responses we submit in the desire to uphold a Church that is Christ – centred. That is why is so important that we come together to take part in the phase of Listening and Discerning so can our voices will reach the conversations in the Plenary Council. We have this opportunity again to express in communal prayer and reflection our deep hopes and yearnings for a future where Jesus Christ is the centre of the lives in each family.

In our parish, we will hold 5 sessions all at St Peter’s College on a Saturday afternoon from 2 pm to 4.30 pm.

8th February 2020 – Theme: “A Church called to be Christ–centred: Prayerful and Eucharistic”

29th February 2020 – Theme: “A Church called to be Christ–centred: Humble, healing and Merciful”

21th March 2020 – Theme: “A Church called to be Christ–centred: A joyfull, hope-filled and servant community”

18th April 2020 – Theme: “A Church called to be Christ–centred: Open to conversation, renewal and reform”

Please contact the Parish Office or Sonia Ruiz Mob No. 0458 252 938 to confirm your attendance so we can prepare the material needed for the day.

If you would like to have a bit more information on each theme prior to each session, please visit the Plenary Council website:


RCIA – Period of Catechumanate.- Prayer cards: Please collect a card from the entrance tables and continue to pray for Margaret Grech, Junghee Youm and Dhaneshi Mannapperuma.  In this period of the RCIA process, we continue sharing with them the Sunday Gospel and we are formed in how to live our faith through every Sacrament. Even our catechumens cannot yet share the Body of Christ, they attend the Liturgy of the Word at 10.45 Masses.  Please continue praying for them.



Narre Warren Our Lady Help of Christian – Tuesday 17th December at 7.30pm

Berwick St Michael – Wednesday 18th December at 7.30pm

Cranbourne St Agatha – Thursday 19th December at 7.30pm

SPECIAL COLLECTION – At Masses next weekend parishioners are invited to contribute to a parish gift to Deacon Stanly Devasia who will be Ordained as a priest for the Sale Diocese on Saturday 4th January in Kerala, India. Fr Denis will be accompanying Bishop Pat O’Regan to India for the Ordination.

PARISH OFFICE CLOSE – The parish office will be closed from 25 Dec 2019 – 14 Jan 2020. If you have any notices to be advertised in the bulletin please send the information to the office before 19th December. If you have any other business for the office, please call us before 24th Dec.


The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated after all Masses next weekend.


The monthly family Rosary gathering will be held next Friday 20th December at the home of Fr Denis, 50 Heather Grove, Cranbourne East.

SVDP VOLUNTEERS – If you or anyone you know that might be interested in assisting SVDP with packing hampers this year, it will be on Thursday, 19 December 2019 at St Peter’s College West Campus from 9:00am – 4:00pm. There is no commitment to stay the whole day.


Bishop O’Regan has informed the clergy of the Sale Diocese that Fr Bernard Buckley will vacate the position of Parish Priest at St Patrick’s Pakenham as he commences new courses of treatment for his cancer in the new year. From 15th January Fr Bernard will be on sick leave and a new parish priest will be appointed. Bishop O’Regan acknowledged Fr Bernard’s very fine contribution to the Pakenham Parish and asked us to continue to remember him in our prayers.

PIETY STALL – The piety stall operates every 2nd weekend of the month. Month of December is on 14th & 15th. For enquiries, please call call Rick & Anita on 0450 782 558.

FORMED.ORG – prepare for Advent with Formed.Org. Walk with Dr Tim Grey on a journey of renewal to ready your heart for the coming of Christ. Call the Parish Office to get your free subscription code.

EMMAUS WALKING RETREAT – is a seven-day Walking Retreat in South Gippsland is a guided retreat with the opportunity to spend some reflective time walking as a small community just like the disciples did on the road to Emmaus. A reasonable fitness is essential with average daily distances between 15 and 24 km. Accommodation and transport are provided, meals are not included. Date: 22nd – 29th March 2020 | Cost: $1500 (10% early bird discount by 16th Dec 2019) | Registration: by 6th Jan 2020. For more info, please visit https:

MARIAN PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND – A rare opportunity to journey thematically with Mary to the Holy Land and gain astounding insights into Her life, from the Old Testament. Dates of travel are 13th January to 26th January 2020. Bookings close on 18th Dec 2019. For more details and bookings please contact: Regina Abraham. Mob: 0433 156 419. Email: Flyers are available at both entrances.

CATHOLIC THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE 2020 Study Options Now Available!

The Parish and Pastoral Ministry in a New Environment

Parish life today is facing many new opportunities and challenges.  The parish of the future will be built on the missionary creativity of people and priests working together in a changed social and ecclesial environment.  Fr Brendan Reed, author of Engaging with the Hopes of Parishes, will be teaching this new unit in 2020. This intensive will be beneficial for anyone involved in parish life, parish councils, parish teams and parish ministry. It will be particularly of use to those wishing to engage in parish life in light of the 2020 Plenary Council. 12, 14, 19 March; 30 April; 2, 23 May + online learning (12 hours equivalent)

Church History

Discover more about the Church’s story and the journey of faith across the centuries.  Units include;

The Spirit of Trent and the Mystery of Vatican II, Lecturer: Rev. Dr Max Vodola – Semester 1, Wednesday 6-9pm.

Two Centuries of Catholic Experience in Australia, Lecturer: Rev. Dr Christopher Dowd OP – Winter Intensive, 29/6, 1/7, 3/7, 6/7, 8/7, 10/7 9.30-4.30pm. The Reformation in the British Isles, Lecturer: Rev. Prof. Austin Cooper OMI AM – Saturday Intensive, Semester 1: 7/3, 14/3 18/4, 2/5.  Semester 2: 1/8, 29/8, 12/9, 10/10 10-3.00pm. Contact the Academic Records Office for all study options and further information. +61 3 9412 3309 – – 278 Vitoria Parade, East Melbourne

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