Written by Christine / Fiona

September 5, 2019


FR DENIS’ ORDINATION CELEBRATION – Will be taking place on 27th Oct beginning with Mass at 10.45am followed by celebratory lunch. We will be taking up a collection for the parish gift on 5th/6th Oct at all weekend Masses. Up until that time there will be a collection box available at Masses for those who wish to donate before that date.  More information to follow.

WE WELCOME FR TONY SPIERINGS TO OUR PARISH – Fr Tony will celebrate all our Masses while Fr Denis is away.

MenALIVE!! – Inviting all men, 18years & above, to a men’s breakfast which is being held on Saturday 31st August, 7.00am at the room below our gathering space. For planning purposes please confirm your attendance to Jamie on 0431 622 155. We hope to meet with some regularity.

SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION –The ceremonies will take place at all weekend Masses on 7th/8th, 14th/15th, 21st/22nd of September. Please keep the children in your prayer.

RCIA – Period of Enquiry.- We ask for your support in prayer for: Margaret Grech, Rosie Junghee Youm and Dhaneshi Mannapperuma as they walk in faith to encounter Christ Jesus in their lives. May the Holy Spirit open their hearts and minds to the unconditional love of God Our Father. is an online platform featuring the best Catholic videos, audio talks, eBooks and movies from trusted partners like the Augustine Institute, St. Paul Center, Marian Fathers, Lighthouse Catholic Media, Ignatius Press and Word on Fire. Catechism and Personal Faith Formation are at the fingertips of every parishioner. Call the parish office to get your free access or email:

STEWARDSHIP – If you would like to contribute to the parish through Direct Debit (DD) or Credit Card (CC), please take home a DD/CC Request form which can be found at both entrances. If you contribute by ENVELOPES, we request that you discard all old envelopes and use the new ones. If you require envelopes, please contact the parish office. Thank you.

FAMILY PRAYERS – First Friday of every month. Month of September is on the 6th from 7.30pm – 8.30pm St Peter’s College Clyde North upper level where Mass is celebrated. For enquiries, call Jean-Paul Antoine 5990 7777.


FUNDRAISING – this year, to help with the cost of LAMP Youth Festival, Zion Youth will be holding a Bake Sale on 14th & 15th Sept. Please contact the parish office if you can help contribute baked items (e.g. cakes, cupcakes, pastries) that do not require refrigeration, or if you would like to bake this items please ensure that you have Food Handler Certificate.

VOLUNTEERS FOR LAMP Youth Festival – Our parish will be hosting the LAMP Youth festival on 5th Oct. We are looking for any adult who wishes to assist with kitchen duty and offer general help and any youth who wishes to be involved in the drama or helping with activities on the day to please contact the parish office.

PIETY STALL – will open on 31st Aug & 1st Sept. For orders and enquiries, call Rick & Anita on 0450 782 558.



Father’s Day Appeal – this Foundation helps support priests & deacons from our diocese in times of sickness or retirement. At present the Foundation is supporting nine priests and three deacons in retirement and is responsible for the other priests, including our overseas priests and deacons in time of sickness. The budgeted expenditure over the next year will be about $200,000. Envelopes will be collected at all Masses this weekend. All donations of $2 and above are tax deductable. ABN 92 660 893 570.



All volunteers who have not already attended a session, please attend the next session on Saturday 22nd Feb 2020 at 10.00am to 12.30pm at St Agatha’s Church Cranbourne. This is a requirement by Bishop Pat that all parish volunteers attend one session. We thank those who have already attended the training held earlier this year.


Annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (Laudato Si)

Pope Francis has designated September 1st as the annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. He hopes this day will be a time for individuals and communities to “reaffirm their personal vocation to be stewards of creation, to thank God for the wonderful handiwork which he has entrusted to our care, and to implore his help for the protection of creation as well as his pardon for the sins committed against the world in which we live.” The downloadable prayer resource can be accessed from Catholic Earthcare



We invite all parishioners to join in a parish discussion and share your thoughts on the Themes for the Diocesan Assembly. Our parish offers four ways in which we can join in the conversation:

  1. Coming together on Monday 2nd of September at 7.30 pm – St Peter’s College. This main session is for Delegates attending the Diocesan Assembly but also open to parishioners.
  1. You might also wish to discuss the themes in small groups at home, with family and friends or in your prayer groups and submit your thoughts online.
  1. You may also send in your own personal submission online following the steps on the Diocese website.
  2. Alternatively, you may wish to write your responses filling in your comments about a particular Assembly theme on the feedback form called: “Share your thoughts with us! What would a parish living the joy of the gospel look like?” Copies of this form are placed at the entrance tables. Please fill it in, bring your response to Mass and post it into the Parish Office Box placed at the entrance table also.

All personal & group responses can be submitted to our Diocese website before the 9th  September

The discussion kit is available from the Diocesan website

Diocese website :



We thank you for your time and your thoughts. May God bless you!


Reflecting on a theme: what would a parish living the joy of the Gospel be like?


Theme 1: Faith Formation & Spirituality, which involves • Faith Formation for adults • Faith formation for children and young people • Sacramental Preparation • RCIA • Understanding Church Teaching • Prayer life

Theme 2: Leadership & Governance (providing leadership & structures that promote evangelisation) • National/diocesan/parish structures • Finance matters • Parish Pastoral Councils • Ongoing support, mentoring and professional development of leaders and staff • Pastoral Planning • Communication • Roles – priests, religious, laity.

Theme 3: Families and Vocation (raising disciples in our families – so that they can go out into the world) • Supporting family life in all its diversity • Supporting married couples • Supporting young people/young adults • Vocations.

Theme 4: Liturgy and Prayer (nourishing our communities) • Music • Homilies • Liturgical formation for parish communities and liturgy teams • Liturgies, other than Sunday Eucharist • A variety of prayer experiences

Theme 5: The Welcoming Community (a community on mission, not maintenance) • Building a welcoming community • Pastoral care • Reaching out to those on the margins (divorced and remarried, gay community, those with disabilities) • Reaching out to those who have left the church (resting Catholics) • Strategies for growing parishes • Caring for those affected by the sexual abuse crisis


All personal & group responses can be submitted to our Diocese before the 9th September

Diocese website :


We thank you for your time and your thoughts. May God bless you!

PLENARY COUNCIL – Year of Listening and Discernment

The Plenary Council National Team is continuing working on this phase to present it to all parishes in Australia. We pray to the Spirit of God to help with this preparation upholding the people of this country in his heart.

Diocesan Pilgrimage held this week at St Ita’s Catholic Church in Drouin

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