Written by John

March 31, 2018

GOOD FRIDAY COLLECTION ENVELOPE: This collection help support the missionary work of the Churches in the Holy Land and it help to preserve the sacred shrines associated with the life of Jesus. Please give generously to this cause. Envelopes can be found at the entrances

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: There will be special collections at all Masses this weekend to assist with Formed subscription.

RCIA: We congratulate Amanda Ah Colt, Sala and Tominiko Fatialofa on receiving the Sacred Sacraments at this Easter. May God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with all their love fill their hearts and lives with abundant graces and blessings.

RCIA CAKE AND CUPPA:  Parishioners are invited to share with us the celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and to congratulate Amanda, Sala and Tominiko. Cake and cuppa will be shared this Saturday evening after the Easter Vigil Mass.

BAPTISM PREPARATION: Next Sunday, 8th April, at 2.00pm in St Peter’s College

RELIGIOUS SHOP: Holy Beginnings will be at our Parish next weekend.

PROJECT COMPASSION: The boxes can be placed in the basket found at the back of our worship space.

COMBINED PARISHES RAFFLE 2018: The booklets are due back by Friday 20th April regardless of whether or not they have been sold. Please ensure that they are placed with all monies ($20 per book) in a sealed envelope.  These can be placed on the collection plate at Mass or returned to the parish office. Please do not remove the staple which holds the booklets together.

HOLY MASS ENVELOPES: The Parish has ordered envelopes for you to offer Mass booking for the faithful departed. You can return the envelopes in the collection plate or the Parish Office. We do request that you write your phone number so that we can contact you should the Mass you request is not available.

LOST & FOUND: If you or someone you know lost a bank card recently, please contact the Parish Office.

COMMUNION DRESS FOR SALE: Please contact Vicky Craven on 0458 731 454.

VACANCY – Multiplatform Journalist Catholic Diocese of Sale

This full time position based in Warragul forms part of the newly established Digital Media and Communications Team. The successful applicant will contribute content to the Diocese’s new information and news website, seeking news stories from around the Diocese and presenting these in written and video format. A hight level of professionalism, capacity to work autonomously, show initiative and sound communication skills required. Applicants are expected to demonstrate a commitment to, and support of the mission of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Sale, and a commitment to the safety and wellbeing of children. Email to receive an information pack. Applications close on Friday 13 April, 5pm. Note, this position is re-advertised with increased hours to full time and an altered position description.


ALL ADULT PARISHIONERS – The Parish Council has recently updated our Parish Code of Conduct for the Safety of Children and Vulnerable Adults within our Parish and feel that in order to truly create a child safe environment it is necessary for all adult parishioners to read, understand and sign that they will adhere to all aspects of the Parish Code of Conduct. If you have any questions about this, please contact our Parish Safety Officer at the Parish Office. is a revolutionary online platform featuring the best Catholic videos, audio talks, eBooks and movies from trusted partners like the Augustine Institute, St. Paul Center, Marian Fathers, Lighthouse Catholic Media, Ignatius Press and Word on Fire. Catechism and Personal Faith Formation are at the fingertips of every parishioner. St Thomas the Apostle parishioners are very privilege to have free access to this website and request that this access be for St Thomas the Apostle parishioners only. To get the parish code contact Parish Office: 5998 0947 or email:


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