Message from our Parish Priest

Written by Christine / Fiona

September 8, 2018

Dear Parishioners,

Over the past four weeks I have been quite unwell, and I wish to thank the many who have extended their kindness to me in many ways, and through their prayers. In particular I wish to thank Fr Joseph, Fr Antony and Fr Tony Spierings who have generously assisted in celebrating our weekend Masses over the past three weekends and again this weekend. I hope to be well enough to be more active in ministry from the coming week.

I wish also to congratulate those who from this weekend will celebrate their First Holy Communion. I wish also to congratulate their families and thank them, our catechist, Fiona in our parish office, and Leah Hirt and the staff of St Thomas the Apostle Primary School who have also been very generous in assisting the children in their preparation.

May God bless you all, Fr Denis

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