Message from our Parish Priest

Written by Christine / Fiona

December 16, 2018

Dear Parishioners,

As we come towards the end of the year it is fitting to acknowledge with gratitude the wonderful dedication of our Parish and School staff and that of the many volunteers in our parish. We acknowledge and thank Christine, Fiona & Corralee in our parish office. We acknowledge with gratitude Mr Chris Black, Principal of St Peter’s College, and all the staff at the Clyde North campus and at the Cranbourne Campus. We are so grateful for their enduring generosity and practical assistance to us in enabling our parish Masses and other gatherings. We acknowledge with gratitude Mr Brendan Marrinon and the staff at St Thomas the Apostle Primary School. We express our gratitude to Leah Hirt, the Religious Education Leader at our Primary School who has so generously assisted us to provide our children and families with preparation for receiving their sacraments. We acknowledge our many volunteers, involved with both the celebration of our Masses and also our various parish groups and ministries. We wish to especially acknowledge and thank those who faithfully set up our worship space at St Peter’s College and prepare it for Mass. Above all we give our thanks to God who has blessed our parish with such wonderful parishioners.

May God bless you all, Fr Denis

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