Message from our Parish Priest – 17th Nov 2019

Written by Christine / Fiona

November 21, 2019

Dear Parishioners,

During this week the clergy of the Sale Diocese will be gathering in Warragul for an Advent Reflection Day. During each year we gather regularly for ongoing formation as missionary disciples of Jesus and for our ministry as Bishop, Priests and Deacons. We gather every year for a week for a Retreat, and another week of In-Service, this year on Pastoral Supervision in Ministry. We gather for days of prayer and reflection for Advent and Lent and on or near the feast day of the patron saint of Diocesan Priests, St John Vianney. We join with our Bishop at the Chrism Mass in Holy Week, and on many other occasions such as the one this past week when we gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale, for the funeral of Kevin Hogan, the father of Fr Brendan at OLHC Narre Warren. Please continue to pray for our clergy and for new vocations to the priesthood for our Diocese.

May God bless you all, Fr Denis

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