Message from our Parish Priest – 2nd June 2019

Written by Christine / Fiona

June 2, 2019

Dear Parishioner

The past week has been a sad one for my family with the sudden death of my brother Kevin last Sunday morning. I wish to express my gratitude and that of my brothers and sisters for your many kind thoughts and prayers, both at the news of Kevin’s death and at his funeral during the week. They have been a source of great consolation for us. Thank you!!!

In the sadness of death, we are encouraged by our Christian hope. This Sunday we celebrate the Ascension of Jesus into heaven. St Augustine writes, “Let our hearts ascend with him… Out of compassion for us he descended from heaven, and although he ascended alone, we also ascend, because we are with him by grace.”

As he grew older Pope St John XXIII wrote to his niece Giuseppina (in 1954), “As our years increase we become accustomed to the thought that we only lent to this world, and so, without losing our joy in life and our wish to serve our neighbour, we find that in the depths of our hearts we are enjoying the love of Jesus which gives us life and makes us holy.”

May God bless you all, Fr Denis


ST PETER’S COLLEGE: The relationship between St Peter’s College and St Thomas the Apostle Parish has been strong since its beginning. The College is an outstanding place for the education and formation in faith of the young people of our parish. At the 10.45am Mass this Sunday we welcome staff and student leaders of St Peter’s College giving us the opportunity to express the deep gratitude that we have for their dedication and the witness of their faith.

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