Message from our Parish Priest

Written by Christine / Fiona

May 5, 2018

Dear Parishioners,


Bishop O’Regan is visiting every parish in the Sale Diocese to an Open Parish Meeting. In 2020 the Australian Catholic Church will be holding a Council, called a Plenary Council. The Plenary Council is a most important meeting of the Church, and they are held rarely. The last Plenary Council in Australia was in 1937: much has changed since then.  The Open Parish Meetings are being held in every parish. Bishop O’Regan will outline the history and nature of a Plenary Council. He will speak about the 2020 Plenary Council, what the Australian Bishops are doing to prepare for it, and what the Sale Diocese is doing. He will introduce the Gaudium et Spes Group, to invite each parish to participate and outline what each parish is asked to do.

A very important part of the Open Parish Meetings is to begin a long process of consultation with parishioners. At the heart of this is an Open Session in which Bishop Patrick wishes to listen to parishioners.

This is a most important meeting for our parish and I invite and urge every parishioner and parish family to attend the meeting and participate. Young parishioners from Year 10 up, including our youth leaders, are asked to attend. All areas of parish leadership are asked to attend. Over the coming weeks we will be inviting parishioners, young and old, to commit themselves to our Open Parish Meeting. It will be held on Tuesday 29th May, from 7.30pm to 9.00pm, at St Thomas the Apostle Primary School. If parishioners require further information, please contact the Parish Office.

May God bless you all, Fr Denis      

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