Message from the Parish Priest – 1st December 2019

Written by Christine / Fiona

December 3, 2019

Message from our Parish Priest

Dear Parishioners,

As we begin Advent, we enter a season that is filled with joy. Our news and media are so filled with bad news stories that even Christians need to “stay awake” and “stand ready” to be alert to our great reason for living with joyful hope, the presence of Jesus the Son of God among us. In a world where many people feel overwhelmed and depressed our relationship with Jesus is a source of peace, joy and hope. Our church, filled with this spirit, will indeed be the bearer of Good News for the people of our world by the witness of its life. I encourage you to take time to use and its Advent programs, which are available free to all parishioners, or to purchase the booklet “The Way” which has daily Advent and Christmas reflections for this year. May God bless you all, Fr Denis

May God bless you all, Fr Denis

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