Message from the Parish Priest

Written by Christine / Fiona

September 14, 2018

Dear Parishioners,

Our Parish Plenary Council Team participated in a Diocesan training session during the week. It was emphasised how critical it is to engage as many parishioners as possible in the process of discerning in what ways the Holy Spirit is calling for renewed life in the Australian Catholic Church. Crucial to this is a prayerful process of listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit through the combined voices of all our parishioners. This will take place over the next six months, and especially between now and Christmas. As the listening process is launched, and you are all invited to participate, I urge all of you to do so, and to also encourage your friends and neighbours to do the same.

This week we continue to celebrate First Communion with some of our young parishioners and their families, and we pray for them, and rejoice and celebrate with them. Also, next Saturday, Stanly Devasia will be Ordained a Deacon at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale. It means he will join Deacon Avinash and Deacon Hiep in preparation for being Ordained as Priests for the Diocese of Sale.

May God bless you all, Fr Denis

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