Message from our Parish Priest

Written by John

April 29, 2018


Dear Parishioners,

At the beginning of St John’s Gospel when people followed Jesus and wanted to know more about him he invited them to “Come and See.” Today we read from much later in the Gospel, from Chapter 15, and were hear the parable of the Vine and the Branches. In this parable Jesus now invites his disciples to remain with him, and to abide in him, and he desires to abide in them. This is so that they can bear “good fruit” for all people, the fruit of their relationship with Jesus. In our busy lives where we cope with many pressures, how do we “Remain” or “Abide” in Jesus? A FORMED.ORG commentary on this Gospel suggests forming good HABITS. This is an acronym with good advice:

H             Holy Hour – spend time each day in prayer; start with ten minutes and watch it grow

A             Accountability – be transparent with at least one friend who will hold you accountable to             being a disciple

B             Bible Reading – Read and reflect on God’s Word each day

I              Invest in your Parish – Not simply money, but of your time and talents

T             Tell others about Jesus and your faith in Jesus

S              Sacraments – Be always faith to celebrating the Sacraments prayerfully, especially the Mass and Reconciliation

These really are good ways to abide in Jesus and bear good fruit.

May God bless you all, Fr Denis      


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