SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT – (Year C) 17th March 2019

Written by Christine / Fiona

March 17, 2019

Plenary Council 2019 “The Year of Discerning”.

DISCERNMENT: A ‘gift we must implore’
In his apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice and Be Glad in English), Pope Francis dedicates a section of the document to discernment.
He writes: “How can we know if something comes from the Holy Spirit or if it stems from the spirit of the world or the spirit of the devil? The only way is through discernment, which calls for something more than intelligence or common sense.
“It is a gift which we must implore. If we ask with confidence that the Holy Spirit grant us this gift, and then seek to develop it through prayer, reflection, reading and good counsel, then surely we will grow in this spiritual endowment.
“The gift of discernment has become all the more necessary today, since contemporary life offers immense possibilities for action and distraction, and the world presents all of them as valid and good.
“Without the wisdom of discernment, we can easily become prey to every passing trend.”
Dates to remember for community prayer:

Diocesan Assembly: 13-14 September

This week’s Diocesan Pilgrimage is host at St Laurence O’Toole Catholic Church, Leongatha Parish

Plenary Council website:


Parish Notice


God Start Team: Tuesday 7.30pm at Parish Office

Parish Pastoral Council: Wednesday at 7.30pm at Parish Office



Dear parishioners, we ask your prayers for our Catechumen, Dilmini Gamaralalage and our Baptised Candidate, Krishendi De Silva. From next Sunday of Lent, both ladies will celebrate the rites of the Scrutinies.

THE SCRUTINIES are rites for self-searching and repentance reinforced by prayers of healing, exorcism and forgiveness to be celebrated on the third, fourth and fifth Sundays of Lent in which the whole community intercedes with and for the elect and the candidate, that they may be set free from the power of evil and confirm in the spirit of Christ. This stage in the RCIA process is the period of purification and enlightenment where both ladies prepare more intensely for their sacramental initiation.

“May God accompany Dilmini and Krishendi with our prayers of faith, support and encouragement”

1st Scrutiny, 3rd Sunday of Lent – to be celebrated on 23 March at 6 pm Mass

2nd Scrutiny, 4th Sunday of Lent – to be celebrated on 31 March at 9 am Mass

3rd Scrutiny, 5th Sunday of Lent – to be celebrated on 7 April at 10.45 am Mass


FR HIEP VAN NGUYEN: It is a great pleasure to welcome recently Ordained Fr Hiep to our Saturday evening Mass this week. He has just recently taken up his appointment as assistant priest at Berwick. Please continue to pray for vocations to the priesthood and especially for those who are preparing to be Ordained as Deacons and Priests over the coming two years.

PROJECT COMPASSION: ‘Tati lives in the remote forest of West Kalimantan. She is a mother of three who was earning an income working in a local rubber plantation. Since taking part in eco-tourism training with Caritas Australia and its partners, Tati can now afford to send her children to school. With new hope and commitment. Tati aspires to a future free from poverty for her family.’ Please donate to Project Compassion 2019 and help lift communities in Indonesia out of poverty and give them hope to protect our common home. Box due back 18th April.
STEWARDSHIP ENVELOPE # 515 – Please contact the parish office. Thank you.

FUNDRAISING FOR OUR NEW CHURCH BUILDING: With the project to build our first church, and also our parish offices, progressing and hopefully coming to completion over the coming 2 years, parishioners who are willing to work for a parish fundraising campaign are asked to please contact the parish office. Some have done this previously, and we invite you to renew your offer, and we are conscious that we have always new parishioners coming to our parish, and we would welcome your support too.

COMBINED CATHOLIC PARISHES RAFFLE – Tickets Sold Out!! Thank you for your support. Tickets due back on 7th April 2019. To return: place ticket and money in an envelope (do not remove staples) and put in any of the offering plate. Thank you. (VCGR Permit no. – 10699/18)

LENTEN RESOURCE ON : Into the Desert – A Lenten Study on Prayer. Dr Tim Grey masterfully show you how to make prayer an effective effort of love and intimacy. To get your free access contact Parish Office: 5998 0947 or email:

PIETY STALL – Holy Beginnings piety stall opens every 2nd weekend of the month. Month of April is on the 13th & 14th. For orders and enquiries, call Rick & Anita on 0450 782 558.

ALPHA TEAM TRAINING WORKSHOPS Traralgon March 27th & 28thAlpha is a tool used by thousands of Catholic Parishes around the world, to introduce participants to the basics of the Christian faith and to evangelise and deepen faith. There will be Alpha Training offered for Parish Teams or those interested in further information, at  St Michael’s Parish, Traralgon, on the evenings of March 27th and 28th. For more information, please call 5174 2060 or email:

DIVINE RENOVATION/ALPHA WORKSHOP Keys for Creating a Missionary Culture in Parishes with Mr. Ron Huntley SATURDAY 6TH APRIL 9.30am-3pm St Peter’s Parish Hall 22 Mary Street, Clayton Cost $45. For enquiry, call Lorraine McCarthy 0402 217 123 or

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