SIXTH ORDINARY SUNDAY (Year B) – 17th February 2019

Written by Christine / Fiona

February 18, 2019

Plenary Council

The Year of Listening towards the Plenary Council 2020 is finishing on March the 6th. Our last Listening & Dialogue Session in our Parish will be on the:

25TH February – Monday @ 7.30 pm at St Peter’s College



As Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, the Plenary Council 2020 president, said last week, it was hard to know how many people would grasp the opportunity to consider “what God is asking of us in Australia at this time”. Through the end of 2018, the answer was “more than 40,000” – people who either shared their own story or took part in a gathering that led to a group submission.

“Please come and take part of the conversation”

Plenary Council website:


Diocesan Assembly and Pilgrimage

Bishop Patrick has announced a Diocesan Assembly to be held on 13-14 September at Marist-Sion College Warragul. During the Plenary Council 2020 Listening and Dialogue process, several common topics have emerged. It has become evident that many of the suggestions which have been made can be initiated and implemented at a local Diocesan level.  The Diocesan Assembly, while part of the overall Plenary journey, is of vital importance as it will provide us with the opportunity to together discern and discuss what it is that we can do here and now for our local Church in the Diocese of Sale.

In the months leading up to the Assembly, the Diocesan community is being invited to embark on a period of prayer and preparation with a Diocesan Pilgrimage of the Icon of our Lady of Perpetual Help (the patroness of our Diocese) and the Diocesan Plenary 2020 Candle. Each parish will host the Icon and Candle for one week with the opportunity to receive and bless the Icon at weekend Masses and have it displayed for prayer during the week.


Parish Plenary 2020 Teams

The Diocese has organised Plenary 2020 Days in the Diocese for March 2019. This will be run by Ms Lana Turvey-Collins, the National Plenary 2020 Facilitator.

Saturday 16th March  9.30 am – 3.00 pm       DAY FOR PARISH & SCHOOL PLENARY 2020 TEAMS at Marian Theatre, Marist-Sion College, Burke St Warragul                  $15.00 per person

Parish Notices

URGENTLY looking for Special Eucharistic Minister for the sick in age care homes in our parish every Wednesday. Please ring the parish office on 5998 0947.
Coming Meetings:

Western Region Meeting: Wednesday 20th at 11.00am at OLHC Narre Warren

Parish Finance Council: Thursday 21st at 7.30pm at parish office.


RITE OF ELECTION OF CATECHUMENS AND PRESENTATION OF BAPTISED CANDIDATES will be celebrated by Bishop Patrick O’Regan at St Mary’s Cathedral Sale at 3.00 pm Sunday 10th march 2019. Singers are invited to join a Diocesan Choir for the occasion. Rehearsal is at 1.30 in the choir loft followed by the Rite of Election at 3.00 pm. Afternoon tea to follow. Please RSVP to Sophy Morley without delay P 5622 6677 or email

CATECHISTS REQUIRED!! As our parish grows so does our need for catechists for primary school aged children. I am inviting parishioners to respond to our need by contacting the parish office.


A reminder to families that 2020 applications are due in at the College by Monday 4th March. Information packs are available from the College Offices or you can download an application form from the College website.

First round offers will be sent out at the end of March. For further enquiries please contact the College Registrar, Wendy Height on 5990 7777.

FUNDRAISING DINNER – The Knights of the Southern Cross will hold a fundraising dinner on March 28th  to support the bursary fund for the education of Sale Diocese Seminarians.  The dinner will be at the Black Tie Function Centre, 90 Alfred St, Warragul, 6.30 for 7pm start.  The two course dinner will cost $60 and wine, beer and soft drinks will be available at bar prices.  The event is open to men and women who want to support this venture.  There will be a silent auction as an additional fundraiser.  Tickets are available at .

COMBINED CATHOLIC PARISHES RAFFLE – Tickets Sold Out!! Thank you for your support. Tickets due back on 7th April 2019. To return: place ticket and money in an envelope (do not remove staples) and put in any of the offering plate. Thank you. (VCGR Permit no. – 10699/18)

MASS OFFERING ENVELOPES are available at both entrances of our worship space. Please write your contact number on the envelope should the date of the Mass you requested for is not available.

PIETY STALL – Holy Beginnings piety stall opens every 2nd weekend of the month. Month of March is on the 9th & 10th. For orders and enquiries, call Rick & Anita on 0450 782 558. an online platform featuring Catholic videos, audio talks, eBooks and movies from partners like the Augustine Institute, St. Paul Center, Marian Fathers, Lighthouse Catholic Media, Ignatius Press and Word on Fire. St Thomas the Apostle parishioners have free access to this. To get the parish code contact Parish Office: 5998 0947 or email:

PALMS ENCOUNTER – This Encounter is an intimate, immersive, inter-cultural experience for your parishioners to meet Palms volunteers and the host communities where they are working in Timor Leste. It will provide insights that challenge perceptions and deepen understanding for parishioners, and a unique opportunity for them to experience Holy Week among our neighbours. 7th -19th April 2019. For more enquiries, visit or call 02 9560 5333.

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