Written by Christine / Fiona

May 5, 2018

Parish Notices

THE L.A.M.P. MUSIC FESTIVAL – Come join us at St. Patricks Parish Pakenham, on Saturday May 12th 2018 from 12 pm to 7 pm, for a day filled with music, fun and games, ending with a 6 pm mass with youth (13 years and above) from all over the diocese. Our Special Guest for the day is Hip Hop artist and Catholic Missionary Joshua Angrisano. For more information and registration, visit

SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: This weekend a special collection for the Military Ordinariate will be taken up to help clergies doing pastoral work in the military. Please give generously.

PARISH OFFICE will be open at 9.30am on Thursday 10th May.

CHOSEN: Jesus Youth Australia decided to organise an annual Youth Conference that helps young people to encounter Jesus in a life changing way. Conference will encourage young people to take bold commitment to live as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. For more information, please visit or email: Flyers are on display at both entrances.


On Pentecost Sunday this year (May 20th) the 3-year process towards the Plenary 2020 will be launched in Catholic parishes around Australia. The journey commences with Open Dialogue and Listening Encounters for 12 months from 2018-2019. More details of launch resource materials and ongoing resources for this 12 month process will be supplied by the Plenary Council Executive and the Plenary Facilitation Team.

In the meantime, you can stay up to date by visiting the Plenary Council website and subscribing with your email address for the latest updates.

PROCLAIM 2018: Bishop Pat is encouraging parishes to consider sending representatives to Proclaim 2018. This national conference in Brisbane will engage parishes and faith communities in a conversation focusing on five key areas: Leadership, Culture Change, Young People, Belonging and Evangelisation. The theme of this year’s Conference is “Make your home in me” (Jn 15:4) and the conference aims to assist Catholic communities in preparing for the Plenary 2020. Register at  Please see notice board for additional information.

COMBINED PARISHES RAFFLE 2018 booklets are due back now regardless of whether or not they have been sold. Please ensure that they are placed with all monies ($20 per book) in a sealed envelope.  These can be placed on the collection plate at Mass or returned to the parish office. Please do not remove the staple which holds the booklets together.

*RAFFLE BOOKLET beginning with 027601: If you have this booklet in your possession, please contact the Parish Office immediately.*

OUR LADY OF FATIMA: The Most Holy Family Parish, Cowwarr, invites you to come spend a day with them to celebrate Our Lady of Fatima on Saturday 12 May at 9.00am. Enquiries: Pat Crozier – 0400 218 417. Please see flyers at either entrances.

WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES – Dublin, Ireland, has been chosen by Pope Francis to host the next World Meeting of Families from 21-26 August 2018, guided by the theme “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World”. Praying the rosary together, as a family, is very beautiful and a source of great strength!  And also praying for one another! The husband for his wife, the wife for her husband, both together for their children, the children for their grandparents….. praying for each other. This is what it means to pray in the family and it is what makes the family strong. Prayer. (Pope Francis)

HOLY MASS ENVELOPES: The Parish has ordered envelopes for you to offer Mass booking for the faithful departed. You can return the envelopes in the collection plate or to the Parish Office. We do request that you write your phone number so that we can contact you should the Mass you request is not available.


CLERGY LIFE & MINISTRY ONGOING FORMATION DAY for Sale Diocese Clergy: Wednesday 9th May

ST PETER’S COLLEGE BOARD: Wednesday 9th May: Annual General Meeting at 7.00pm


PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Wednesday 16th May 7.30pm at Parish Office

PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL: Thursday 17th May 7.30pm at Parish Office

OPEN PARISH MEETING WITH BISHOP O’REGAN: Tuesday 29th May 7.30pm at St Thomas School


ALL ADULT PARISHIONERS – The Parish Council has recently updated our Parish Code of Conduct for the Safety of Children and Vulnerable Adults within our Parish and feel that in order to truly create a child safe environment it is necessary for all adult parishioners to read, understand and sign that they will adhere to all aspects of the Parish Code of Conduct. If you have any questions about this, please contact our Parish Safety Officer at the Parish Office. is a revolutionary online platform featuring the best Catholic videos, audio talks, eBooks and movies from trusted partners like the Augustine Institute, St. Paul Center, Marian Fathers, Lighthouse Catholic Media, Ignatius Press and Word on Fire. Catechism and Personal Faith Formation are at the fingertips of every parishioner. St Thomas the Apostle parishioners are very privilege to have free access to this. To get the parish code contact Parish Office: 5998 0947 or email:

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