Plenary Council “Year of Listening and Discernment”
Diocesan Pilgrimage in St Michael’s, Berwick
Plenary Council website:
A reminder that our Parish Stewardship Program commences next week, with our Welcome Weekend. The Program recognizes that ‘Parishes are the Heartbeat of the Church’ and will challenge us to reflect on what it means to be a member of our St Thomas the Apostle Parish community. We encourage you to be actively involved – read the materials, listen to the speakers and follow the Program on the parish website and our parish Facebook. Reflect, pray about and discuss the themes and topics with your family, friends and fellow parishioners. PARISH ‘OUR FUTURE’ FORUM All parishioners are warmly invited to a special forum as part of the Program – the Our Future Forum on Wednesday 19 June at 7.30pm. This is a great opportunity to make your contribution to the discussion. You will hear about the values we hold dear, our recent achievements and the priorities we have for the future. Please mark this date in your calendar. Full Program details will be available on the dedicated Program page on our parish website – which will be updated regularly throughout the Program. Together we pray for the success of the Program: Stewardship Program Prayer Lord, we thank you for calling us to be your Church. Through our Baptism we are called to service and to witness. In the Eucharist we sustain and strengthen that call. By serving others we follow your example and proclaim our beliefs. By our Christian generosity we demonstrate our love and care. Lord, help us always to worship you as you deserve, to grow in faith and service and to give without counting the cost. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen |
MYSTAGOGIA MASS – Sunday 26th May 2pm at the Cathedral in Sale. This Mass of Thanksgiving is the formal conclusion to the final journey of RCIA. The newly baptised and those fully received into full communion in the Church at Easter are encouraged to attend with their families, sponsors and RCIA team. There will be afternoon tea after Mass. Please bring a plate to share.
STEWARDSHIP ENVELOPES – will be available for collection at all Masses this weekend. This new set of envelopes will be up to July and organised in street order. If you are able to help with distribution to parishioners on your street would be appreciated. Receipts for all giving including Credit Card and Direct Debit will be issued in mid-July.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: The formation and training for new members of the St Vincent de Paul for the Clyde North Parish has been delayed a little but will proceed. In the meantime, those who volunteered their names when the Society was promoted are asked to renew their desire to be members of the Society by contacting our parish office. There may be parishioners who have not previously indicated that they would like to become members, and you could also contact the parish office this week.
Upcoming meeting:
Building Committee – Thursday 30th May 7.30pm at the parish office, 50 Heather Grove. Confirmation Parent/Child Workshop: Wednesday at 7.00pm at St Thomas the Apostle School |
– Trinity Families – this weekend at all Masses. Trinity Families is the Diocese of Sale’s charity fund which provide support for programs which help families in need. Please pick-up an envelope. Donations of $2 or more are tax deductable. |
BURSARY FUND – Our parish raised $751.55 for the Seminarian Bursary Fund. Thank you for your generosity.