THE MOST HOLY TRINITY (Year C) – 16th June 2019

Written by Christine / Fiona

June 16, 2019

Plenary Council  “Year of Listening and Discernment”

Diocesan Pilgrimage Barinsdale Catholic Parish

Plenary Council website:


Archbishop Costelloe (Perth) has announced the Six National Themes for Discernment which have come form the 17,500 submissions made which involved the participation of over 220 000 people. There was a clear desire for the Church to renew herself and focus on the person of Jesus Christ. The Six National Themes for Discernment invite people to reflect, to pray and consider how God is calling the People of God to be Christ centred Church in Australia that is:

– Missionary and Evangelising

– Inclusive, Participatory and Synodal

– Prayerful and Eucharistic

– Humble, Healing and Merciful

– A Joyful, Hope-Filled and Servant community

– Open to Conversion, Renewal and Reform


Our next stage is one of “Listening and Discernment”, a time of prayerful consideration of the “big” questions that have been raised by the faithful.


Welcome to week three of our Parish Stewardship Program.


This week celebrates the role of our parish as a community of faith – as an authentic community where people are welcomed, known and loved.  It is a place of care, support and outreach – with a clear mission to live the values of the Gospel.

This means that we have a responsibility to use our gifts and talents for the benefit of others – making our time available to be involved in one of our many Groups and Ministries.  We all have a contribution to make – so have a look at the “Groups & Ministries” form to see what best suits you.

Today we will hear from members of the Parish Leadership Team who will share with us the impact of faith and our parish on their lives and how important it is for us all to make our contribution to parish life.  We thank them for doing so!


This key event of the Program will be held on Wednesday 19 June at 7.30pm in St Peter’s College (where Mass is celebrated on weekends).  This is a great opportunity to get together, celebrate our achievements and discuss our plans for the future.  Light refreshments will also be provided.  If you have not already accepted, please complete the RSVP cards available at all Masses over the weekend.


The dedicated Stewardship Program section this week features a special video from Bishop Patrick O’Regan, the Bishop of the Sale Diocese.  This may be of interest to you!



–          As a result of unending love of God and his goodness, we live on this earth.  As a child of God, being an active parishioner is a great way to show my gratitude to the Father (Ruwan)

–          It is important to be actively involved in Parish Groups and Ministries.

–          These show how we love one another as Jesus lovers.  As well they remind us, when we are not on the right track and support each other when in need (Molly)

–          We the lay people make up the church and need to be there to help the parish priest. By joining groups and ministries we learn and share our faith, encouraging others to do so (Peter)



 “A parish is a community of communities, a sanctuary where the thirsty come to drink in the midst of their journey, and a centre of constant missionary outreach” – Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium 28


Stewardship Program Prayer

Lord, we thank you for calling us to be your Church.

Through our Baptism we are called to service and to witness.

In the Eucharist we sustain and strengthen that call.

By serving others we follow your example and proclaim our beliefs.

By our Christian generosity we demonstrate our love and care.

Lord, help us always to worship you as you deserve,

to grow in faith and service

and to give without counting the cost.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.   Amen


WE WELCOME AS CHILD OF GOD – Beatrice Wu, child of Rudy & Yanny and Emirose & Scarlett, children of Travis and Alice
this is for all parish staff and volunteers, leaders, Priests and Deacons. You are only requested to attend only one 2.5 hour workshop. For enquiries & registration, please contact our Parish Safety Officer at the parish office or email Workshops open for bookings are: St Michael’s Parish, Berwick – Tuesday 25/06/19 – 7pm – 9:30pm, St Patrick’s Parish, Pakenham – Wednesday 17/07/19 – 7pm – 9:30pm

ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY CLYDE NORTH: We invite all those who have already volunteered and any new people who are interested to come for the evening session held at St Agatha’s Parish Hall on Tuesday the 18th Jun at 7pm.  The forms which you have completed are now out of date and will require you to re-fill a new form so please bring your drivers licence or some photo id.  Any enquiry please contact the parish office.

ZION YOUTH GROUP – gathering on 21st June 7.30pm at St Peter’s College Clyde North ground level. New youth members are welcome.

ST PETER’S COLLEGE is this year celebrating its SILVER JUBILEE, 25 years since its establishment. The following excerpt from the College’s web page describes its beginnings: St. Peter’s College began in 1987 as the Cranbourne Campus of St. Francis Xavier, Beaconsfield with 49 students in Year 7. A year level was added in each of the two subsequent years with Year 10 first being offered in 1992. Fr. James Peter McGuigan, who was Parish Priest of St. Agatha’s at the time, was a driving force behind the establishment and development of the Campus.

An Interim Board of Management was formed which determined that the campus would become independent from the beginning of 1994 and be known as St. Peter’s College. Mr. Terry Feely was appointed as the Principal and Mr John Clancy became the first Chairperson of the College Board.

In 1994 St. Peter’s College commenced as a Year 7 – 10 Campus with 280 students. A rapid phase of growth and development commenced with the VCE being introduced and the first Year 12 group graduating in 1996. The person and story of St. Peter greatly contributed to a distinct character and ethos, expressed in symbolism, artwork and the liturgical life of the College. The school motto: Be Not Afraid is an example whereby the relationship between Peter and Christ has become a cultural driver.

The relationship between St Peter’s College and St Thomas the Apostle Parish is very close and has been crucial to the foundation years of our parish. We wish hearty congratulations from our parish to St Peter’s College on this occasion. We pray that God will continue to richly bless St Peter’s College as it continues to grow, so that it may continue to be a place where our young people can experience the life transforming encounter with Jesus which was so profound in the life of St Peter.

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