The Resurrection of the Lord (Year C) – 21st April

Written by Christine / Fiona

April 20, 2019

Plenary Council  “Year of Listening and Discernment”

Please Save the following dates:

Sophy Morley, Prayer and Info Night, Evening 7th May – St Thomas the Apostle Parish

– Diocesan Pilgrimage in our parish: week of Sunday May 5th

– Diocesan Assembly: 13-14 September

Plenary Council website:


RCIA – We congratulate Dilmini Gamaralalage as she receive the Sacraments of Initiation at Easter Vigil. We welcome her into our Catholic faith and our Parish community and celebrate with joy as she enters into the fullness of God’s grace through the seal of the Holy Spirit and the miracle of the Eucharist. We congratulate Krishendi De Silva as she is Confirmed and receive Holy Communion for the first time at Easter Vigil. May she be blessed as she continues her journey of faith in trust, peace and love. May God bless Dilmini and Krishendi in their daily lives.

Supper to share after Easter Vigil Mass: we invite all parishioners to come together after Mass to celebration with cake the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and at the same time to congratulate Dilmini for her Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation and to Krishendi for her First Eucharist and Confirmation. If possible, please bring a plate to share.


WE WELCOME AS CHILDREN OF GOD – Teagan Isabella Trousse, daughter of Ricardo & Chivon and Jaxon Carr, son of Dale & Niki.

SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION – During our Easter season, and beginning in this coming Easter Week, many families in our parish will be assisting young parishioners to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, which will be administered in our parish by Bishop Patrick O’Regan on Saturday 27th July. We will see the candidates begin to enrol for this sacrament at our Masses next weekend. Parents of children making the Sacrament of Confirmation at St Thomas the Apostle Parish this year please note the Parent Information Session and Workshop is on Tuesday 23rd April or Wednesday 1st May at 7.00pm. Please attend one of the sessions. Children are not required on this day.

CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ FEDERAL ELECTION STATEMENT: The bishops call for respect in public debate, share Catholic social teaching and detail some key issues to reflect on before you vote. “Politics in service of peace: a statement by the Catholic bishops of Australia for the 2019 federal election” can be found at

RCIA: Thank you to our RCIA team who on behalf of the parish have helped Dilmini Gamaralalage prepare to celebrate the Easter Sacraments and to be born again as a Christian in the Catholic Church. They have also assisted Krishendi De Silva complete her Sacraments of Initiation as an adult.

PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL: Our next meeting is this coming Wednesday 24th April at 7.30pm at the parish office.

PROJECT COMPASSION: Please bring all your Project Compassion donations to Masses next weekend, or to the parish office. Bishop O’Regan has written to thank you for the generosity of the Sale Diocese parishes to both Project Compassion and the collection for the Holy Places which is held every Good Friday.

A SPECIAL COLLECTION is being taken at all Masses this weekend to support our parish subscription to Formed.Org. If you have not yet connected to Formed.Org you are missing many opportunities for ongoing formation in our Catholic faith. For the parish password, please contact the parish office.

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