TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY (Year B) – 19th August 2018

Written by Christine / Fiona

August 18, 2018

Parish News

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY on your ORDINATION!! Our heartiest congratulations to Fr Denis as he celebrates his 39th Anniversary of his Ordination. We wish Fr Denis many blessings on this special occasion and we thank you for the work you have done in our parish.

MIGRANT AND REFUGEE SUNDAY is next Sunday 26th August at 2.00 pm at St Thomas the Apostle Parish. Bishop O’Regan will be the celebrant for the Mass.   All families are invited to wear traditional cultural clothing and to bring a plate of food to share after Mass.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Parent & Child Workshop Wednesday 22nd Aug 7.00pm at St Thomas the Apostle School Hall.

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER OF THE EUCHARIST: If you are able to assist by taking Holy Communion to people in their homes, please contact the parish office on 5998 0947.

TRAINING FOR MUSICIANS, SINGERS AND SOUND ENGINEERS: One of the Christian churches in Traralgon is sponsoring a workshop training day with master classes for singers, musicians and sound engineers involved in church worship on 25th Aug at Morwell. For more information, please see flyer at both entrances.

ORDINATION TO THE DIACONATE OF STANLY DEVASIA – The Diocese of Sale is looking forward to celebrating the ordination at St Mary’s Cathedral at 11 am on Saturday 22nd September 2018 and welcome expressions of interest from anyone who would like to sing with the choir on that day. Singers must have a current Working With Children Check in accordance with the Diocese’s Child Safety Policy. Music packs will be emailed to singers. Please register your interest by contacting Sophy Morley without delay. E        P 0413 590 007.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY: We would like to thank our generous parishioners who donated to the following appeal. You have raised for:

Mary MacKillop Today Appeal – $759.20

Catholic Care – $801.75

St Vinnies – $1,454.00. And if you can help with visitations any day, morning or evening please contact St Vinnies on 5996 1758.

POSITION VACANT – DIOCESE OF SALE BUSINESS MANAGER: A Position Description, Application Form, Confidential Referee Assessment Form and other relevant information is available. Please mail to receive this pack. Application close 7th September.

FAMILY PRAYER MEETING – Last Friday of every month at St Peter’s College, Clyde North 7.30pm – 8.30pm. For enquiries, contact Jean-Paul Antoine 59907777 or the parish office. Month of August is on 31st.

PIETY STALL – Holy Beginnings piety stall opens every 2nd weekend of the Month. For orders and enquiries, call Rick & Anita on 0450 782 558. Month of August is on 8 & 9 Sept.

SPEAKER JOHN ALLEN – EDITOR OF CRUX:  John Allen is a popular speaker on Catholicism, both in the US and internationally. John will be at St Peter’s Church, East Bentleigh, on Thursday 6th Sept 7.30pm. Topic: Pope Francis and the Devolution of responsibility to the Local Church. Bookings preferable www/ or pay at the door. Cost: $20. More information please refer to flyer at both entrances or contact Kevin Burke email: Mobile: 0419 372 976.

EMMAUS WALKING RETREAT 14th – 21st Oct 2018: Registration by 30th July. This 7-day walking retreat from San Remo to Welshpool. Like how the disciples on the road to Emmaus contemplated their own journey, having walked with Jesus in their lives. In a similar way, participants are invited to explore their own spiritual journey, walking with Jesus. Organised by Campion Centre of Ignatian Spirituality. Fr Brendan Hogan is one of the organisers of this Retreat. Please refer to the flyer at both our entrances.

GRIEF TO GRACE – HEALING THE WOUNDS OF ABUSE – is a spiritual retreat for anyone who has suffered degradation or violation through physical, emotional, sexual or spiritual abuse. The retreat will be held May 26th – 31st 2019. To request an application contact Anne by emailing or phone 0478599241. For more information visit


WATCH The 13th Day on FORMED.ORG: When the world was torn apart by persecution, war, and oppression, three children in Fatima, Portugal, were chosen by God to offer an urgent message of hope. The film, The 13th Day dramatizes the true story of the six apparitions of Our Lady between May and October 1917, which culminated in the final prophesied Miracle of the Sun on October 13. is an online platform featuring the best Catholic videos, audio talks, eBooks and movies from trusted partners like the Augustine Institute, St. Paul Center, Marian Fathers, Lighthouse Catholic Media, Ignatius Press and Word on Fire. Catechism and Personal Faith Formation are at the fingertips of every parishioner. Get your free access to this. To get the parish code contact Parish Office: 5998 0947 or email:


Message from our Parish Safety Officer – Corralee Floyd

CHILD SAFETY: To satisfy the requirements of keeping our children and vulnerable adults safe, it is imperative that all groups consult with the Parish Safety Officer at least 3 months prior to any events, whereby they are organizing speakers, musicians, volunteers and/or youths involved and must be prior to the advertisement of the event. All guests are required to have current Working With Children checks as well as to have signed the Parish Code of Conduct, there are also other requirements if the guest if from outside of our Diocese. This is to avoid the disappointment or cancellation of the planned event due to the failure of any guest in obtaining or qualifying for a Working with Children Check or Diocesan Clearance Paperwork.


ALL GROUP LEADERS are reminded to ensure that every member of their respective group over 18 years including new members have obtained their Working With Children Check and signed the Code of Conduct before they begin their ministry. This is a legal requirement. Please inform the Parish Safety Officer of any new interested parties and they will be guided through the process.



CPSL was established in November 2016 by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and Catholic Religious Australia, but operates independently from the Church, with no bishops, priests, brothers or sisters on the Board of Directors. The CPSL Board is made up of lay people with expertise in areas of law, education, human services, child safety and regulation.

An initial mammoth task CPSL has embarked upon has been to create a set of National Catholic Safeguarding Standards, which for us are going to provide our framework to build the safe culture for our children and young people, and to advance the safety of young people across the Catholic Church. They take into account the guidance of the Royal Commission into the Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and the (draft) National Statement of Principles for Child Safe Organisations from the Australian Human Rights Commission.

The Standards are designed to help Parishes like us to have a child safe culture and practices in accordance with legislative requirements of the governments, the expectations of the Australian society, and our Gospel values. These Standards are currently in draft form and it is anticipated that our organisation will commence working with them by September 2018. I will continue to give you information about this new process and what it means for our Parish as we move forward.

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