TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY (Year C) – 18th August 2019

Written by Christine / Fiona

August 22, 2019

Plenary Council  “Year of Listening and Discernment”

The Plenary Council National Team is continuing preparing this phase. As we wait for the information to arrive at our parish, we pray to the Spirit of God to uphold the people of Australia in his heart.

Plenary Council website:


“Sharing Our Story, Celebrating Our Faith, Shaping Our Future”

The process for the Diocesan Assembly is starting in our parish with the election of 15 Delegates to represent us at the Diocesan Assembly. The following themes for discerning would be shared and discerned at the assembly amongst the attendees. We ask your prayers to support each and every one of our Delegates for the Holy Spirit to accompany them in love and wisdom.  May God bring us together for this important task.

1. Faith Formation & Spirituality (living out the joy of the Gospel)

2. Leadership & Governance (providing leadership and structures that promote evangelisation)

3. Families and Vocation (raising disciples in our families – so that they can go out into the world)

4. Liturgy and Prayer (nourishing our communities)

5. The Welcoming Community (a community on mission, not maintenance)


Diocesan Pilgrimage held this week at St Kieran’s Catholic Church in Moe





40TH ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY – This Sunday is Fr Denis 40th Ordination Anniversary. We thank Fr Denis for his dedication to the service of the people of God and the Church for the past 40 years. He has always been a faithful guide as well as a source of consolation, strength, and inspiration to many. At this time, we pray that he will be blessed abundantly with renewed strength & courage to continue his priestly mission. Please keep Fr Denis in your prayers. We will have a celebration on Sunday 27th Oct, more information closer to the date

WE WELCOME FR TONY SPIERINGS TO OUR PARISH – Fr Tony will celebrate all our Masses while Fr Denis is away.

WE WELCOME AS CHILD OF GOD – Connor Ryan McDermott, child of Declan & Candice.

MenALIVE!! – Inviting all men, 18years & above, to a men’s breakfast which is being held on Saturday 31st August, 7.00am at the room below our gathering space. Patrick and Jamie will speak at all Masses this weekend to tell us more about MenALIVE. For planning purposes please confirm your attendance to Jamie on 0431 622 155. We hope to meet with some regularity.

SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION – Parents & Child workshop on Tuesday 20th Aug 7.00pm and Wednesday 21st Aug 5.00pm & 7.00pm at St Thomas the Apostle Primary School. Please attend the session with your child/ren on the date & time that you selected. The ceremonies will take place at all weekend Masses on 7th/8th, 14th/15th, 21st/22nd of September.

RCIA – Period of Enquiry. – The first stage of this year’s RCIA process has started and we are glad to communicate that our parish has three enquirers who attended our information night on the 6th of August. We’d like to ask you to pray for: Rosie Junghee Youm, Dhaneshi Mannapperuma and Margaret Grech. As they walk in faith in a period of seeking and knowing God, may our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit lead them to new times of discovering their love, mercy and joy.

CCR CONFERENCE – ‘Fan into flame the gift of God within you’ 2Tim 1:6, Sept 6th-8th September, Marist Sion College, Warragul.

Speakers: Fr Francis Otobo PP Traralgon, CCR Chaplain and Mrs Ann Brereton, Chairperson CCR Australia. All welcome.  To help with catering, please contact Cathy McLure 0432588195.

FAMILY PRAYERS – First Friday of every month. Month of September is on the 6th from 7.30pm – 8.30pm St Peter’s College Clyde North upper level where Mass is celebrated. For enquiries, call Jean-Paul Antoine 5990 7777.

MASS INTENTION ENVELOPE – envelopes can be found at both entrances and return either on the collection plate or put in the office box. Please remember to write your contact number so that we can ring you should the date you requested is not available.

VOLUNTEERS FOR LAMP Youth Festival – Our parish will be hosting the LAMP Youth festival on 5th Oct. We are looking for any adult who wishes to assist with kitchen duty and offer general help and any youth who wishes to be involved in the drama or helping with activities on the day to please contact the parish office.

PIETY STALL – Month of September is on 31st Aug & 1st Sept. For orders and enquiries, call Rick & Anita on 0450 782 558. is an online platform featuring the best Catholic videos, audio talks, eBooks and movies from trusted partners like the Augustine Institute, St. Paul Center, Marian Fathers, Lighthouse Catholic Media, Ignatius Press and Word on Fire. Catechism and Personal Faith Formation are at the fingertips of every parishioner. Call the parish office to get your free access or email:

STEWARDSHIP – If you would like to contribute to the parish through Direct Debit (DD) or Credit Card (CC), please take-home a DD/CC Request form which can be found at both entrances. Thank you.

LIFT IN SERVICE – St Peter’s College has informed us that the lift is now in service. Thank you for your patience.

ORDINATION TO THE DIACONATE – The Ordination to the Diaconate for Jithin Anto, Confidence Masvosva and Paul Zaher will be celebrated at St Mary’s Cathedral at 11.00 am on Saturday 31 August 2019. This is a day of great rejoicing for our Diocese and we warmly invite the Diocesan community to participate in the Ordination. Sophy Morley is seeking singers and musicians for the Diocesan Choir – could interested people please contact Sophy at or text me on 0413 590 007 without delay.

MIGRANT MASS held at St Michael’s on 25th August at 2pm. All parishioners are invited.

VOCATIONS DAY- WHERE IS GOD CALLING YOU?  Come and See, where God may be calling you to serve! You may be drawn to ministries available in your parish or a vocation of service as a catechist, missionary, priest or religious. Be inspired by this day of guest speakers, including Fr Michael Willemsen, Fr Robin Koning SJ & Sr Rachel McLoughlin ibvm to be held at St Agatha’s Primary School Hall on Saturday 21st September, beginning with Mass in the Church at 9.30am. Sausage Sizzle and Refreshments will be available by donation and the day will conclude at 4pm.   For more information contact 5996 1985.

CELEBRATE YOUTH EVENT!  AUGUST 25th 2019 will be the 2nd “CELEBRATE” youth event that invites all people young and old across the Diocese to celebrate the gifts and talents our young people have. This is a free family event that will see performances from young people from across the diocese, a Youth Mass and a party with pizza’s, slushies, popcorn, games and more. Location – Lavalla Catholic College, Kildare Campus – Kosciuszko St Traralgon. Time 4pm – 7pm. Please call Jen if you are interested in helping, performing, reading, sponsoring this celebration – 0437492349 or

Volunteer Overseas – The Cagliero Project, Salesians of Don Bosco – We are seeking volunteers for January 2020 departure, working with disadvantaged young people in Salesian communities throughout Cambodia, Samoa, East Timor & Solomon Islands. Applications close October 15th. Send us an inquiry –

THE AUSTRALIAN PASTORAL MUSICIANS NETWORK is looking forward to welcoming you to their 4th  National Conference Listen to the Spirit And Sing! The Conference will be held in Melbourne this year on 1-3 October, at Catholic Leadership Centre. The Conference will celebrate and promote the art of liturgical, catechetical and religious music in parishes, schools and beyond. We are excited to welcome our two distinguished keynote speakers, Tony Alonso and Diana Macalintal as well as all our breakout presenters. We are proud to present a broad program of liturgies, keynotes, workshops, showcase and provides networking opportunities to support and develop your pastoral music ministry in parishes, schools and faith communities.

ARE YOU NEW TO THE PARISH? – We would love to welcome you to our parish. Please fill-in the New Parishioner Registration form in the bulletin and put it in our Parish Office Box.

CURRENT PARISHIONERS if there is a change of address please remember to update the parish office. Thank you.

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