Written by Christine / Fiona

March 17, 2020


Plenary Council website: https://plenarycouncil.catholic.org.au



21ST March 2020 – 2 pm to 4.30 pm

St Peter’s College



A Joyful, hope-filled and servant community?


SCHOOL OF DISCIPLESHIP – Our parish of St. Thomas the Apostle will be hosting the School of Discipleship program. It is founded and directed by Aneel Aranha who started a Catholic lay apostolate called The Holy Spirit Interactive. It is recognised as an association of Faith and Outreach by Bishop Paul Hinder, Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia. Aneel was led to a powerful encounter with Jesus after being an atheist for 25 years. This school is dedicated to strengthening the Faith and spreading the Word of God around the world. It is based on the Gospel of Matthew 28:18-20 which commands us “to make disciples of all nations.” Our parishioners who participated in this program will speak how the school has impacted their lives at Masses on the 28th/29th March. We have an introductory session on 4th April – Saturday at 4.30 pm at the Blue Hills Chapel, where our weekday Masses are held. Please join us. Parishioners and youth are requested to take a flyer and enrol, it will be a life changing experience for each one. For more information please contact Emma on 0418 918 787.


PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: During the coming months the membership of the Parish Pastoral Council will be renewed. The present members are the foundation members of our Pastoral Council, whose role began as members of the Pastoral Leadership Group when we were still a part of St Agatha’s Parish. Many new families have come to our parish over the past four years and we are particularly inviting members of those families to consider nominating for the Pastoral Council. There will be further information in coming weeks.

RCIA 1ST SCRUTINY –       This Sunday at 10.45am Mass.  We continue praying for Margaret Grech and Dhaneshi Mannapperruma as they continue their Lenten Journey towards receiving the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil

CHURCH BUILDING COMMITTEE: Meeting on Thursday 19th March 7.30pm at the Parish Office

PARISH CHOIR: The parish will be forming a central choir in the absence of rostered choirs. We are extending an invitation to all those who are not in any existing choirs to consider joining.  Please contact parish office for further information.

GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE: INVITATION TO ALL YOUTH to use your gifts and talents by taking part in the Good Friday service. Please list your names on the clipboards provided.

GOD START: God Start is a ministry in our parish that maintains contact with families and their children after their Baptism, especially on the occasion of their birthdays. If your child is aged 1-4 years and was Baptised in a parish other than St Thomas the Apostle, we invite you to register at the parish office to be able to participate in God Start.

COVID-19: Bishop Patrick O’Regan has advised that ‘the faithful who are too unwell to attend Sunday Mass – whether due to coronavirus or some other condition – or are at particular risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus, can honour their Sunday obligation by participating in a time of prayer within the home, reading the Scriptures or watching Mass on television or online (http://bit.ly/MassOnDemand).

RAFFLE TICKETS: Thank you for your support. All tickets have been sold! Please return all sold ticket butts by 3rd May. Leave money and tickets in an envelope and put in our collection plate. DO NOT REMOVE STAPLES from book.

REDEMPTORIST LENTEN MISSION: March 24-27 has unfortunately been cancelled.

FR PAUL TURNER’S WORKSHOP: Monday 16th March: 7.30 pm at St Patrick’s Parish Centre, Pakenham. How is God calling us to be a Christ-Centred Church that is Prayerful and Eucharistic? All are welcome. Tickets ($10 includes supper) on https://www.trybooking.com/BIMRS  or tickets at the door.

OLHC LENTEN MISSION: by Fr Richard Leonard SJ.  March 28th – April 1st.  Refer to flyer or call 9704 7935 for further details.

2020 DIOCESE OF SALE KSC LUNCH: with Bishop Patrick O’Regan. Saturday July 25th 12 noon. $50pp, Warragul.  See flyer for further details.


  PIETY STALL – operates every 2nd weekend of the month. Month of April: 11th – 12th. For enquiries, call Rick & Anita on 0450 782 558 or visit their website on http://holybeginnings.com/



CatholicCare Child Safeguarding Workshops

Bishop Patrick O’Regan has engaged the services of CatholicCare to continue a series of training sessions across the Diocese on “Building a Child Safe Enviornment”. It is expected that all parishioners with WWCC, volunteering or intending to volunteer, will attend one of the 2.5 hr sessions, unless they have already done so in 2019. If you would like to register for any of the following dates, please call the Parish Office or email clydenorth.safety@cdsale.org.au

Location Date Time
St Patrick’s, Pakenham (Parish Hall) Saturday, 21st March 10am – 12:30pm

Interested in Volunteering? Anyone over 18 years who wishes to volunteer please contact Corralee at the Parish Office on Wednesdays. Current Volunteers any changes to your current ministries please email clydenorth.safety@cdsale.org.au before 16/2/2020 so that these can be taken into account.

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