Message from our Parish Priest

Written by Christine / Fiona

March 3, 2019

Dear Parishioners,

This weekend I am participating with Fr Michael Willemsen in the Deacon Formators Intensive in Sydney. Fr Michael has been appointed by Bishop O’Regan as the Co Ordinator for the Permanent Diaconate Formation for the Sale Diocese and I have been asked to join him for this meeting. It will focus on the Reality and Culture of the Diaconate in the Australian Catholic Church. Over the weekend we welcome Fr Jeff Kleynjans and Fr Brian Gleeson CP to assist with our parish Masses.
This Sunday is Project Compassion Sunday. Please collect your Project Compassion boxes. The readings at Mass this weekend prepare us for the coming Lenten season, a time for prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It is also a time to step away from the instinct to judge one another. It’s an opportunity to learn about living hope-filled lives in solidarity with one another in our needs.

May God bless you all, Fr Denis

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