PENTECOST SUNDAY (Year C) – 9th June 2019

Written by Christine / Fiona

June 16, 2019

Plenary Council  “Year of Listening and Discernment”

Diocesan Pilgrimage in Iona-Maryknoll Catholic Parish

Plenary Council website:


After 10 months of Listening and Dialogue and a period of analysis and prayerful discernment, the National Themes for Discernment for the Plenary Council 2020 are being announced at Pentecost – this weekend. More information on each of the National Themes for Discernment will be available in the coming weeks. Find out more at:


Welcome to week two of our Parish Stewardship Program and this week is all about FAITH.

We ask you to reflect on the importance of faith in your life.  Is your faith the foundation of who you are?  Does it drive the way you choose to live your life?

We also ask you to re-affirm the importance of Sunday Mass – how we come together as a community to celebrate our faith.  The Eucharist is something much bigger than ourselves – it is not a private or anonymous experience.  The communal celebration of the Eucharist at Sunday Mass gives us the spiritual nourishment to live our lives as true disciples of Jesus.

Finally this week we ask you to commit to growing in faith – to take the opportunity to learn and develop a mature understanding of our faith.

Fr Denis will have a special Homily this weekend on this most important aspect of the Program.


This key event of the Program will be held Wednesday 19 June at 7.30pm in St Peter’s College.  This is a great opportunity to get together, celebrate our achievements and discuss our plans for the future.  Light refreshments will also be provided.  Please                complete the RSVP cards available at all Masses over the weekend or the RSVP form on the parish website.


The dedicated Stewardship Program section this week features a special video from Bishop Patrick O’Regan, the Bishop of the Sale Diocese.  This may be of interest to you!


As part of the Parish Stewardship Program over the next few weekends we will showcase the different groups and ministries in our Parish through our ‘Ministry Expo’.  The Expo showcases our many ministries, groups and organizations.  Come and explore how your unique gifts can be used to make a difference in our parish community and to learn more about each ministry.  Please review the list of ministries found in the ‘Parish Groups & Ministries Form’ , visit the Expo then prayerfully discern what special skills and talents God might be calling you to share in our parish.


–          Our faith is anchored in the body of Christ, our Holy Church, of which each parish is a small but important part (Patrick)

–          At St Thomas parish we are a multicultural and diverse community of believers. This coming to love Jesus together and keep his commandments is what enhances my faith here (Peter)

–          We come together at the same time, in the same place so that we can take part in a common action, to celebrate our faith and the Eucharist as a family and community (Wendy)


“In the Eucharist we feel this belonging to the Church, to the people of God, to the Body of God, to Jesus Christ.”                                            5 February 2014


Together we pray for the success of the Program:


Stewardship Program Prayer

Lord, we thank you for calling us to be your Church.

Through our Baptism we are called to service and to witness.

In the Eucharist we sustain and strengthen that call.

By serving others we follow your example and proclaim our beliefs.

By our Christian generosity we demonstrate our love and care.

Lord, help us always to worship you as you deserve,

to grow in faith and service

and to give without counting the cost.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.   Amen


WE WELCOME AS CHILD OF GOD – Chayce William Jamison, child of Lindsay & Amy.

Building a CHILD SAFE ENVIRONMENT WORKSHOPS – The Diocese has contracted CatholicCare to deliver a series of workshops throughout the Diocese, which are intended to build on work that has already taken place throughout the Diocese. It is aimed at all parish staff and volunteers, leaders, Priests and Deacons. It is up to the individual which workshop they attend and you are only requested to attend one 2.5 hour workshop. For enquiries & registration, please contact our Parish Safety Officer at the parish office or email

Workshops open for bookings are: Cranbourne – St Agatha’s Parish – Tuesday 11/06/19 – 7pm – 9:30pm, Berwick – St Michael’s Parish – Tuesday 25/06/19 – 7pm – 9:30pm, Pakenham – St Patrick’s Parish – Wednesday 17/07/19 – 7pm – 9:30pm


In response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, the Diocese of Sale has signed on to the National Redress Scheme. If you would like information regarding this scheme for those who have suffered child sexual abuse in the Diocese of Sale prior to July 1, 2018, please contact the National Redress Scheme on 1800 737 377. Website This website has information regarding legislation and rules, monetary payment and designated personal responder (DPR) instruments, legislation guide and where to go for assistance.

ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: “Hello all the volunteers who put their hand up to establish and join the new Conference for St Thomas.  Our apologies for the lack of notice about what’s going on.  We’ve had a few hiccups with people ill and paper work issues. A meeting will be held at        St Agatha’s Parish Hall on Tuesday the 18/6/19 at 7pm.  We invite all those who have already volunteered and any new people who are interested to come along and we will explain what’s happening. Unfortunately the forms you completed are now out of date and we have a complete new set for everyone to do, so please bring your drivers licence or some photo id.  We hope to see you on the 18/6/19.  It will be a short meeting. Regards, Mary Cincotta.” *date changed from 11/6 to 18/6*

TESTIMONY FROM AN ISIS CAPTIVE – Fr Tom Uzhunalil SDB, will be coming to St Agatha’s Cranbourne on Monday 10th June and give his testimony after the Mass at 9.30am about his ISIS captivity. For more info contact Fr Shalbin Paul SDB on 0402 707 299. All Welcome!

PIETY STALL – Holy Beginnings piety stall opens every 2nd weekend of the month. Month of June is on the 8th & 9th. For orders and enquiries, call Rick & Anita on 0450 782 558.



Parish Pastoral Council – Wednesday 7.30pm at parish office

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