Written by Christine / Fiona

July 21, 2019

Plenary Council  “Year of Listening and Discernment”


“Sharing Our Story, Celebrating Our Faith, Shaping Our Future”

Preparation for our Diocesan Assembly (13-14 September) is progressing well. In a few weeks’ time, the Diocese will be sending out some materials to parishes about the number of delegates, how to choose delegates and a simple preparation process in which you can engage your parish communities. We encourage our Church community to keep the Diocesan Assembly process in prayer and take some time to reflect on the following themes that the assembly will cover:

1. Faith Formation & Spirituality (living out the joy of the Gospel)

2. Leadership & Governance (providing leadership and structures that promote evangelisation)

3. Families and Vocation (raising disciples in our families – so that they can go out into the world)

4. Liturgy and Prayer (nourishing our communities)

5. The Welcoming Community (a community on mission, not maintenance)


SALE DIOCESAN ASSEMBLY – Diocesan Assembly: 13-14 September 2019

Diocesan Pilgrimage for this weekend: Traralgon Parish



Very soon, we will be entering into a LISTENING AND DISCERNMENT PHASE which will extend until April 2020. As a Diocese we will begin this phase after the Diocesan Assembly is over. The Plenary Council National Team is continuing preparing this phase and our prayers are also asked so that the Spirit of God will help us to discern in his light for the future of our Catholic Church in Australia.



STEWARDSHIP: As we conclude our Stewardship Renewal, I want you to know that we have had a terrific response from our parishioners. The new pledged amount is $4990, an increase of over 50% from the previous program. The average pledge is $15.48 and 66 new families have joined the Stewardship program for our parish.

SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: Reminder for parents: Confirmation retreat on 24th July at 9.00am. Ceremonies on Saturday 27th July at 11.00am and at 2.00pm. Please arrive 15mins before your selected time. Bishop O’Regan will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation for our Parish at St Peter’s College, Clyde North.

SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION – All families who want their child/ren to make their First Holy Communion at St Thomas the Apostle Parish this year are to attend the Parent Information session Tuesday 23rd July at 7.00pm held at St Thomas the Apostle Primary School. The pre-requisites are: child must be at least in Grade 4 and made the Sacraments of Baptism and Reconciliation. For more information, please contact Fiona at the parish office.

RCIA INFORMATION NIGHT: “Come And See” – 6th August 2019 at 7.30 pm.- The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a process that we are blessed to celebrate in our Parish community and one we want to share with you. An information night will be held for those who may be thinking of becoming a Catholic, for those who may be baptised in another Christian church and are seeking to be in full communion with the Catholic church. However, the process is always open for any adult baptised Catholic but have not completed the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation and for everyone who wishes to know more of our faith. This is your opportunity to find out more on Tuesday 6 August at 7:30pm at the home of RCIA team member Christine Fernandez- 31 Fleuve Rise, Clyde North. For further information please contact the Parish Office on 5998 0947 and/or collect a leaflet on the RCIA process from the entrance tables.

LIFT NOT IN SERVICE – St Peter’s College has informed us that the lift is under maintenance and can not be used. Please exercise caution while using stairs.

  1. PETER’S COLLEGE SOLOMON ISLANDS TRIVIA AND SILENT AUCTION NIGHT – Teams of 10, or we can put you into a team, Fri 2 Aug, 7.00 pm start. Cranbourne Campus Multi-Purpose Hall $20.00 per ticket. Bookings are required via the College Reception. Payment on the night. BYO. Refreshments including alcohol for over 18’s. Who will take home the 2019 Champions Trophy? Many items available on the night via Auction. NO RESERVES. All items will be sold. Donations of Goods and Services are now being sought. Nothing is too small or large, expensive or inexpensive. Contact the College on 5990 7777 or for more details if you are able to donate. Every dollar raised goes to Bishop Epalle Catholic School in Honiara.

TRIVIA NIGHT – Come join St Thomas the Apostle Primary School at their annual trivia night on Saturday 3rd Aug at St Thomas School Hall. Doors open 6.30pm. For more information & reservation, call 5998 9293.

MIGRANT MASS held at St Michael’s on 25/8 at 2pm. All parishioners are invited.

LUNCH WITH BISHOP PAT – You are invited to lunch with Bishop Pat O’Regan on Saturday 24th August 2019. The lunch will be at the Black Tie Function Centre, 90 Alfred St, Warragul, 12noon.  The two course lunch will cost $45 and wine, beer and soft drinks will be available at bar prices.  The event is open to men and women who want to support this venture.  This event is proudly hosted by the Knights of the Southern Cross, Diocese of Sale and all proceeds will go to the bursary fund for the education of Sale Diocese Seminarians.  Tickets are available at:

PIETY STALL – Holy Beginnings piety stall opens every 2nd weekend of the month. Month of Aug is on the 9th & 10th. For orders and enquiries, call Rick & Anita on 0450 782 558. is an online platform featuring the best Catholic videos, audio talks, eBooks and movies from trusted partners like the Augustine Institute, St. Paul Center, Marian Fathers, Lighthouse Catholic Media, Ignatius Press and Word on Fire. Catechism and Personal Faith Formation are at the fingertips of every parishioner. St Thomas the Apostle parishioners are very privilege to have free access to this. To get the parish code contact Parish Office: 5998 0947 or email:

MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND – Invest in your most precious asset……Your Marriage! Married couples, come and learn how to keep/rekindle the passion in your relationship and how to keep your love growing! This weekend is based around Catholic values but couples of all faiths are welcome. Dates: 23-25 Aug, and 15-17 Nov. Starts 7pm on Friday. Ends 5pm Sunday. Accommodation and all meals provided.

Information/Bookings: Phone Mercy & James 0409 183 676 or Email:  Website:


AUGUST 25th 2019 will be the 2nd “CELEBRATE” youth event that invites all people young and old across the Diocese to celebrate the gifts and talents our young people have. This is a free family event that will see performances from young people from across the diocese, a Youth Mass and a party with pizza’s, slushies, popcorn, games and more. Location – Lavalla Catholic College, Kildare Campus – Kosciuszko St Traralgon. Time 4pm – 7pm. Please call Jen if you are interested in helping, performing, reading, sponsoring this celebration – 0437492349 or


The Diocese of Broome, WA, requires volunteers to assist with the work of the local Church in the Kimberley. There are various important voluntary tasks: administration, building maintenance, gardening, shop staffing, cooking, cleaning etc.  Placements are preferred for a period of 6 months.  We are currently seeking volunteers for several parishes including Kalumburu and La Grange/Bidyadanga. For further details on how to be a part of this unique experience, and an application form, please contact: Volunteer Coordinator: Anneliese Rohr 08 9192 1060

Email:  Web: Mail:  PO Box 76, BROOME  WA  6725

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