Written by Christine / Fiona

September 27, 2018

Parish Notices

ALTAR SERVER TRAINING – We welcome anyone who have completed the Sacrament of Reconciliation and is interested in Altar Service to please pick-up the Parent Permission form from the table at our entrances and return to the parish office before the training date. Training will be held on Tuesday 2nd October at 4.00pm at St Peter’s College EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST & LECTORS – And for anyone wishing to minister Communion to the Sick. Training for new and existing people will be held at St Peter’s College at 7.30pm on Tuesday 2nd October. PLENARY COUNCIL 2020 News & Notes: Please visit:
With hope and joy, we communicate to all that our sessions of Listening and Dialogue are on their way!
At these Weekend Masses, the Animators and the Plenary Council Team will be speaking to you giving more details for the encounters of “Listening and Dialogue”. We encourage more parishioners to register their names on the clipboards. We thank to the parishioners who have already register their details to attend the sessions. Please let other people know of these happenings, so if anyone else – friends, family, colleagues – would like to take part of these sessions can put their names down through you or ring our Parish Office. This is an exciting time and we know God is listening!
Meanwhile, keep praying and reflecting on the Plenary Council key question:
“Come to a place of stillness and contemplation and listen with the ear of your heart to what the Spirit is saying in your life”
PARISH MOVIE NIGHT!! “John XXIII Pope of Peace” (PG) (running time 3hrs 23mins) Friday 5th October at 7.00pm at St Peter’s College, Clyde North. A FREE night of entertainment for the entire family! An inspiring feature film on Saint Pope John XXIII, starring Edward Asner in an acclaimed performance as the beloved pontiff, who came from common stock and was known for his simplicity, courage, and love for humanity.
SISTERS OF THE NATIVITY: The Sisters of the Nativity recently concluded their Chapter in Nigeria. The Chapter was the final act for Sr Anna as Superior General of the Sisters. At the Chapter Sr Grace was elected to the position of Superior General and she has already taken up the position. Sr Lucy, currently at St Agatha’s Parish Cranbourne has been appointed as Sr Grace’s Vicar.
One item of great interest for our parish is that the Sisters of the Nativity have now made a Sister available to work as a Pastoral Associate in our parish. Sr Julie Ogbole has been the Sister leading the formation of Novices, and when she arrives she will live with the Sisters at Cranbourne. This is exciting and wonderful news for our parish. We are growing rapidly and will benefit greatly through having Pastoral Associate and the treasured presence of a Religious Sister. It is likely to be at least a year before we can welcome Sr Julie to our parish, as there are many formalities to be completed.
FUNERAL MASS: The Funeral Mass for Gina Lomagno, mother of Fr Manny Lomagno, will be celebrated at St Joseph’s Church Korumburra at 11.00am on Monday 1st October.
AUSTRALIA NEEDS FATIMA ANNUAL PRAYER IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE: The Holy Rosary will be held on Saturday 13 October from 8am in Heritage Park on Selandra Boulevard. B.Y.O. outdoor chairs and/or picnic rugs. See posters on the parish notice boards. For further information, call Celine on 0417 145 616.
GUEST SPEAKER: Fr Larry Richards will be at St Agatha’s Parish Cranbourne on Friday 12th October at 7.30pm.for his“Fullness of Truth Tour” which speaks about The Family. For tickets visit:
DIOCESAN CATHOLIC MISSION TEAM – The Bishop would like to set up a group to promote the work of Catholic Mission in our diocese.
If you would like to be a part of this very important group, please contact Cathy Dougan: phone 5622 6690 or email pa@sale,
SEEKING GOD IN THE 21ST CENTURY: Workshops For young Adults. Andy & Sarah Otto discuss finding meaning in our everyday lives. Sessions held at Campion CIS. 99 Studley Park Kew. See Flyers for further details.
LISTENING AND DIALOGUE SESSIONS WITH THE BISHOP – Bishop Pat is inviting the whole Diocesan Community to participate in one of 5 regional Plenary Council listening & Dialogue sessions with the Bishop to be held in October & November. We will be engaged in prayerful listening, discussion & faith sharing as we journey towards the Plenary Council in 2020. The fruits of our discussions will be submitted online to the Plenary Council. VENUE: St Michael’s Church Berwick, 7.30pm Tuesday 30th October. Please refer to flyer for other sessions.
PRIESTLY ORDINATION – Rev. Mr Hiep Nguyen, currently transitional deacon, will be ordained priest on Saturday 15th December at 11am in St Mary’s Cathedral, Sale. All parishioners are welcome. Please keep Hiep Nguyen in your prayer.
ECUMENICAL GATHERING – a gathering between the Anglicans & Catholics of our Dioceses on Thursday 6th December at Raymond Island. 10.30am – 3.30pm. Bookings can be made by contacting
FAMILY PRAYER MEETING – Last Friday of every month at St Peter’s College, Clyde North 7.30pm – 8.30pm. For enquiries, contact Jean-Paul Antoine 59907777 or the parish office. Month of September is on the 28tht.
PIETY STALL – Holy Beginnings piety stall opens every 2nd weekend of the Month. For orders and enquiries, call Rick & Anita on 0450 782 558. Month of October is on the 13th & 14th. is an online platform featuring the best Catholic videos, audio talks, eBooks and movies from trusted partners like the Augustine Institute, St. Paul Center, Marian Fathers, Lighthouse Catholic Media, Ignatius Press and Word on Fire. Catechism and Personal Faith Formation are at the fingertips of every parishioner. Get your free access to this. To get the parish code contact Parish Office: 5998 0947 or email:

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