Plenary Council  “Year of Listening and Discernment” “142. Each community is called to create a “God-enlightened space in which to experience the hidden presence of the risen Lord”.[105] Sharing the word and celebrating the Eucharist together fosters fraternity and...

Message from our Parish Priest

Dear Parishioners, This weekend I am participating with Fr Michael Willemsen in the Deacon Formators Intensive in Sydney. Fr Michael has been appointed by Bishop O’Regan as the Co Ordinator for the Permanent Diaconate Formation for the Sale Diocese and I have been...

Message from our Parish Priest

Dear Parishioners, This weekend we welcome the staff of our parish primary school, St Thomas the Apostle School, to our 9.00am Sunday Mass. The staff is larger than ever, reflecting the fact the school now has an enrolment of just over 600! As we welcome the staff to...